Sunday, May 21, 2023

"Come and join us to build a new Cameroon" Gen Housseini Djibo

Gen. Housseini Djibo

The commander of the 5th Gendarmerie regions for the West and northwest regions has appealed to the separatists and those running away from region,seeking refuge in other towns and neighboring countries to come back for" us to build a new Cameroon".

General Housseini Djibo made the call shortly after festivities marking the 51st edition of the National Day May 20 with theme " Defence forces and Cameroonian people in harmony to safeguard peace and national unity, bedrock of a strong and prosperous Cameroon" at the Bamenda Grandstand.

He thanked God almighty for the gradual return of peace in the region. He said "Everybody is happy as you can see, we are happy. This signifies a gradual return to normalcy in the region,a mark of satisfaction of all Cameroonians.

The ceremony gave him the oppoz to once more make a Clarion for call on "those who are still in the bushes to come back and join us to build one Cameroon' for the satisfaction of every body. Harping on the closure of Matizm and Akum checkpoints partly responsibility for the conviviality between   the population and the military,  the General said they did just what they are supposed to do while promising to  continue to do the best they can to bring lasting peace to NorthwestRegion. "We have stared in Matazm and it will continue all over the region by the grace of God". He re-echoed.

 On expectation from the population to ensure success in his assigned task, he expressed need for corroboration and collaborations of  the pupolation, saying "we want them to inform us about the problems they have, we are there for them, they cannot do without us and we cannot do  without them. We will move hand in hand". He said. He also observed that for more than 6 years, Northwest has never witnessed the kind of turn out at national events like that of this year 2023 , an indication that things are changing positively.

Northwest Governor Lele L,Afriue  also expressed satisfaction with the massive turn out of the population, an indication of a gradual return to normalcy in the region.  He called for more collaboration between the security forces and the population, while exhorting those still resisting to give a second thought to their take, as there is no better option than living together as one people.The festivities was convivial in most parts of the region. The Vanguard has gathered.   

Friday, May 19, 2023

Security challenges: Lamido calls on parents to regulate activities of children

lamido Gen.Housseini Djibo talks to the press

The chief of Muslim community of Yaounde VII sub division Lamido Brigadier General Housseini Djibo, has exhausted parents to regulate children from juvenile and all forms illegal activities responsible for alarming in most parts of the nation.

Lamido Gen.Housseini Djibo leaving the prayer ground

He warned that responsible behavior should not be seen during fasting but through their lives as commuted Muslims.

The general of 5th Gendarmerie for Northwest and West Regions made the clerion call during the Muslim feast of the Ramadan .
He expressed satisfaction that peace is gradually returning to most problematic areas of the country, reasons why many thanks should be given to Allah.

Lamido Gen. Housseini Djibo at the prayer ground

Not withstanding,he warned that Peace and security is not the sole responsibility of the state but all and sundry.
His presence in Yaounde didn't not only allow for communion with his family, but other traditional authorities of the sub division his the Muslim community under his Administration.

D O of Yaounde VII sub Division
Throughout his stay in Yaounde, the lamidat was as busy as a bee hive with people coming to sort lasting solutions to most of worries ,ranging from security and transportation challenges etc.

Arrival of Lamido Gen.Housseini Djibo at the prayer ground on a horse

The Muslim feast saw the coronation of his ambassadorto France known in Muslim palance as "Jarkarda" meaning representative of the of the Lamido.

By Sanusi Amanda in Yaounde

We follow the news as it happens and where it happens.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Cameroon Head of State venerates NGO with 12 Labour medals

SHUMAS Director
Ndzerem Stephen honoured with another prestigious medal

Strategic Humanitarian Services ( SHUMAS) an NGO with international repute has been venerated with twelve labour medals in Gold,Silver and Bronze to workers of the NGO for their commendable services to the state of Cameroon.

Some Medalists in a family picture with the governor

The honour was confered on workers of the NGO by the representative of the Head of State of Cameroon, Governor Lele L'AFRIQUE of Northwest Region on Tuesday April 11 at the Catholic Pastoral center.
The bearer of the Head of state message said the Head of state President Paul Biya was overwhelmed with the development activities of the NGO ,complementing the government development efforts in the sphere of Education,Health,
Environment and women empowerment etc.

Gov. Lele L'AFRIQUE talks to press 

He commended the  expansion of the NGO to all the regions of Cameroon  the  great efforts made over the years bring  or restore smiles on the faces of the vulnerable and needy communities. The impact of the NGO is felt in all the nucks and crannies of the nation . He said.
"It is  on this premise that the head of state  assigned me to honour you    with labour medals to  spur you continue with your Humanitarian Services that has impacted many lives in Cameroon".
The NGO  he said,will open it doors in Chad ( Njamina) and Bangui in the trouble Central African Republic.  An indication that strength of the NGO.The governor intimidated.
The Director of the NGO Ndzerem Stephens who holds a super scale traditional title of ( Nformi) in Nso Fondom, and recipient of Gold medal,affirmed that the recognition was a catalyst to his development dream.
He recalled that SHUMAS was created in 1996 and recognized as an Association in 1997 and recognized in 2013 as a full flesh NGO by the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization under decree No 000156/A/MINAT/SG/DAP/SDLP/SONG/BA.
Given the remarkable achievements of the NGO, the United Nations Economic and Social Councils ( ECOSOC) since 2013 admitted the NGO into its circle with special consultative status and as a member of the NGO committee on social Development with the United Nations (UN) in 2016.
The director stated that the vision of his social organization is " For a Just,One world and Sustainable Development" as they focus on Humanitarian Response and Integrated Sustainable Development with the aim of reducing poverty,empowering the vulnerable to realize their full potentials and improving on the livelihood of mankind.
The NGO has since it creation constructed 950 class rooms in poor urban and rural school, provided scholarship to 10500 vulnerable children, provided informal education to 513 persons living with disabilities by constructing and equipping theire workshops.
In the sphere of health, SHUMAS has funded training of 86 state Registered Nurses,constructed 150 Health facilities in poor urban Commities, provided portable water to 180 communities,protected 60 water catchnents.granted 82 women groups with an average of 30 women with micro credit at very low interest, build reproductive capacity of over 8012 women on income generating activities and supporting them with start-up.
In the domain of environment, shumas is reported to have established four renewable energies ( hydro electricity,wind turbines,Biogas digester, photovoltaic system to demonstrate and train Cameroonians on renewable energy.
So far, 250 people have already been groomed in this demain.
The achievement of the NGO in both Agriculture, social welfare, women empowerment, Humanitarian Services are inexhaustible.
The director expressed gratitude to her international partners notably " Building schools for Africa",a UK based NGO,Manos Unidad , world Food Program (WFP ) IOM, Spreading Health UK, Energy without Boarders,GIZ,Vitamin Angels etc for the success story of SHUMAS.

By chifu Edward

We follow the news as it happens and where it happens.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Mayo Banyo Administration warn butchers against exploitation of consumers

Mayor  Garba Soule front, First Assistant SDO Farikou Boubakari behind.

Following  the intrudoction of unorthodox  prices of meat,due to the high demand during this  fasting period by some butchers, the Administration of  Mayo Banyo  Division in Adamawa Region under the auspices of the First Assistant SDO, Farikou Boubakari together with the Mayor of Banyo Council,Bakari Soule and the Divisional Officer, Gam , on Monday March 27 took meat sellers by storm, as they visited  meat  sale slabs to control and regulate the prices of meat  to stop exploitation of consumers by  butchers . The media outing came against a backdrop of rumours of a sharp increase in the prices of meat introduced by butchers without regards to qualify. 
It is on this premise that the administration went down the field to check and put an end to the excesses said to have affected many homes in the area. 

In a bit to sanitize the sector, the  First Assistant SDO and his team  controlled  the quality of meat and the scale balances to ensure that  consumers are not exploited by unscrupulous butchers.
Some of the scale balances  assumed to have been tempered with were rejected and owners given one week to replace them,or face the heavy arm of the law.

Inspecting the scale balances

On the prices of meat, the Administration instructed the butcher  to label the prices  of meat following the differences in quality.
Prior to the media outing of the Administration, some buchers are said to raised the prices of meat per kilo without regards to the quality.

Inspecting quality of meat

Accordingly,the price of meat ranges from FCA 1500frs to 3000frs based on the quality.
Sellers were advised to label their meat in accordance with the catigory or quality to enable buyers make their choices.

On preservation and hygienic condition under which meat is sold,  butchers were advised to take advantage of  the facilities provided by the council to improve on the quality and the hygienic condition under which meat is sold. They were also urged to  acquire more storage facilities like  refrigerators to  ease preservation of meat and improvement in the  hygienic condition under which fresh meat is stored and sold. 
Electricity  was  however identified as one of the major problems  faced buy butchers in the area. 
The Administration gave butchers one week to regularize their activities or face the heavy arm of the law.

Developing story 

By chifu Edward

We follow the news as it happens and where it happens.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Gen. Housseini appeals for Commitment of Anglophone Crisis to God

      Gen. Housseini Djibo

He Challenges everyone to pray for a return to normalcy

 It is rare to hear or strange to hear a soldier talk about use of the Holy Quran or the Bible as a panacea to a socio political and social crisis. The dictum has always been, use of force to quell down any uprising. It is on this premise that the many have been taken aback by the pronouncement of a military General in the region. 

Brigadierr General Hosseini Djibo, Commander of the 5th joined Gendarmerie regions for Northwest and west Region took many by surprise when he led his Muslim brothers in prayers at the inaugural ceremony of a mosque erected in the heart of gendarmerie region in Bamenda on Friday March 24.

 “Many people think that soldiers are known only for drinking and womanizing,” For from that he said. Before becoming soldiers, we all belong to varied religious denomination, Christian or, Muslim. As Gods children we are all equal before God regardless of who you are. He told media men that soldiers are the same human beings, Christians and Muslims committed to the social wellbeing of the population and equal before God like everyone. 

Thiss assertion of his demystifies the myth about soldiers and their public outing most at time misconstrued by many. As devoted child of God, General Housseini opined that “for the crisis to end, both civilians, soldiers, everyone should pray to “Allah” for the crisis to end”, It is because we have failed to pray and committed everything to God that the crisis is still going own. 

Quoting Mathew 7-7 “God says, ask and you will be given, knock and the door will be opened”. It is on the premise that he blames the extension of the crisis to absence of prayers and the commitment of all and sundry.

 “ We need to ask God in our prayers to stop the crisis” He Said.On the construction of a mosque in the military barrack , the General and other soldiers affirmed that it was necessary because of security challenges, time factor and moralization of military of Muslim faith residing up station and in the barrack. He explained that certain soldier whose name is not known erected a small box for his prayers. 

I started praying in that and saw the need t make it more befitting as “my house cannot be better than that of God”. It is for this reason that I mobilized funds to construct it. While saluting his hierarchy for enabling him and other faithfuls to have a place where they pray, he hailed those contributed for the realization of the project. 

He says the mosque is open to everyone, be it Christian.
Gen. Housseini Djibo and Buba Dobekreo are game changers. The gradual return to normalcy in the region is due to their approach and tact in the management of the crisis. They are Committed Generals, conscious of the sufferings of the masses. The suspension of too many check points and end to the anarchy and unfriendly behavior of military men in the region, has restored the long-lost smiles on the faces of the population.


By chifu Edward

  We follow the news as it happens and where it happens.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

SHUMAS Cameroon trains more than100 women on micro economic activities

Programme Coordinator
Madam Billian Nyuykighan

Over 100 internally displaced women drown from four subdivisions of Mezam divisions have been drilled on micro income generating activities by Strategic Humanitarian Service ( SHUMAS) in collaboration with world Food Program.
The internally displaced based in Bamenda were groomed on pastries, natural juice and soya beans production to increase their income level in a bit to reduce poverty and social misery living in Bamenda.

The training on production of Folere,yoghurt,doughnuts,soya meat,soya beans milk, cutting of chin chin,fish pie,scotch egg,gateaux, fruit juice,orange juice,carrot, pineapple juice,water melon juice etc will turn in new page in the lives of the women where visibly frustrated and hopeless given the stress of living below poverty level in an expensive town like Bamenda.

The initiative was said to be stitch on time, given the social misery of most families that have abandoned their villages due to Anglophone brouhaha to settle in Bamenda.

Most of them expressed satisfaction that the training which was hitherto payable has been given them for free by the NGO.
Many attested that it was a milestone and that is going to impact their lives tremendusly, render them self sustaining. "We will be able to make some money to assist our husbands,feed our families and send our children to school" . While urging SHUMAS to multiply such training programs to empower women economically,
a few of them opined that if some little start up capital is added to the training, it make the program much more sustaining for some of them whoed social and economic condition are so appalled.
They added that the startup capital would enable them put into practice the lessons learned in the two days workshop organed at the pastoral center Bamenda from Friday 3rd to Saturday March 4th 2023.
" The initiative is very good as it will enable me to start up a small business that will enable me pay my house rents,sponsor children in school and take care of the daily needs of our children".

Vughose Justine
IDP from Big Babanki
Mother of four.

Inspite huge material and human resources put in place by the NGO to groom them in micro economic activities some participants still glamored for little startup capital as "It will be very difficult for some of us to put into practice what we have learned, if SHUMAS doesn't assist us with the startup capital. Before the training,
I was do odds jobs , work in people's farms to be able sustain my family. This training is another source of income which would step up my daily earnings. I tried doing the training some where but failed because I didn't have the huge demanded for training. Fortunately for me, SHUMAS me the training for free". I don't know how to thank them.

Ngebumb Claudine
IDP from Oku mother of four

" I have been at home doing nothing, with this training,I will be able to produce small small consumables and sell infront of my house.
I am very grateful with the initiative . I have been idle ever since we escaped our village four years ago and settled in Bamenda. I have only been depending on my husband for everything. We have abandoned our villages and settled in Bamenda because of war. With this training,I will be able to do some small business to support my husband.
SHUMAS is God sent.

Quinta Ngum
IDP from Bafut mother of six

"I pound Achu and sell do all types of odds jobs to earn a living. This training will enable produce small small things that would reduce the stress of running the family. We appreciative the NGO for training program . It will help me alot.

It is hoped that the training will apparently redress social misconduct amongst some women especially single mothers who some time indulged in unethical activities due to economic hardship and the frustration of living in town , effect of the Anglophones armed conflict .
It is on this premise that participants craved for more of those training workshops to empower women economically ,to boast their moral and economic strength. "Through this training ,we will become assets and no longer liabilities in our mitrimonial homes". One of them told the Vanguard in an exclusive chat.

By chifu Edward

We follow the news as it happens and where it happens.

"Come and join us to build a new Cameroon" Gen Housseini Djibo

Gen. Housseini Djibo The commander of the 5th Gendarmerie regions for the West and northwest regions has appealed to the separatists...