Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Gen. Housseini Djibo is not good for Cameroon. Says Kamdem Zacks

Gen. Housseini Djibo

General Housseini Djibo has been discribed by a member of transporters syndicate as a rare specie of the military given his open, frank and unadulterated professional qualities. "I have been hearing about this man and his frankness, transparency and anti corruption fight". I have seen it today. If most Cameroon statemen were like him,this country would have been paradise". Kamdem exclaimed.

  Kamdem Zacks member of west region syndicate made the observation in a chat with press shortly  after a meeting held in Bafoussam recently with the commander of the joined Gendarmerie Regions of northwest and west Region  General Housseini Djibo,to sort lasting solution to the crisis rocking the transport sector in the region.  The approach adopted by General Housseini to address their worries  left no one with an oita of doubt that he is a man of probity, poised to weed out irresponsible uniform men who have soiled the image the  corp with corruption.His take sterms from the fact that curroption is imbedded in  Cameroon and is rare to hear such a highly placed state man openly  lambast  uniform men  corrupt. He said such unethical behavior breeds hatreds and rancor between state gun men and the civilians. Uniform ,law enforcement officers are supposed to be examplary not pepertrators of corruption.

   Without mixing words, he sounded a very stern warning to wayward Gendarmerie officers noted for intimidation and extortion of money from transporters and the public.     While condemning such unethical behavior that is damaging to image of the nation,he recounted  how Cameroonians were  respected the world over of yore as a people of integrity,but to " when you present your self in foreign as Cameroonian, the security officials of that county will  carry out a thourough scrutiny of your credentials as we are noted for corruption". This he said is damaging to the nation and must stop! 
  He condemned in very strong sterms  uniform who have transformed check points to 
Money collection points.

He how ever  exported transporters to  establish all vehicle documents to eschew exploitation by both Police and Gendarms who most often take advantage of incomplete vehicle documents to exploit them. 
He gave out his contact number to the presidents of the transporters syndicate to call him anytime, where  ever a uniform man defaults.
Transports revealed appalled  stories about the behavior some uniform. They see us  transporters as a  source of revenue from where they  enrich them selves.  One of them lamented .
  The visibly General did not hesitate to call  some the uniform of the region noted for unethical practices by their names.
 He instructed the transporters syndicate to avoid working is dispersed ranks to be able to fight  corrupt  uniform officials. On this note,he exhorted them to create a focal point to able to collaborate with him  on issues affecting the transport sector in the Region.

By chifu Edward      
     We follow the news as it happens and where it happens.


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