Friday, February 25, 2022

Upgraded CBC Health Center starts Big in Ndu


The population of Ndu, and its environment now have a heave of relieve following the introduction of improved Health Services in   the Ndu CBC health center. The  Notion of covering long distances and bearing risk rushing to Kumbo- Bui Division for health services is now in oblivion as the health center now  play host to a resident Doctor and introduction of many new improved Health  Services.

Although the center still has the status of a Health Center, the activities currently going on in the Center is far beyond those of a Health Center. The vanguard has been hinted.

 Since the beginning of this year 2022, the center is said to have carried out 54 Minor surgeries and 35 Major surgeries.

Besides regular consultations, the center now runs full scale Eyes and Dental services, Physiotherapy, a comprehensive Laboratory, ultrasound for pregnant women etc.

The Health Center is expected to serve the entire Donga Mantung Division and some parts of Bui Division notably Noni Sub Division like Lassin, Nkor, Mbinon villages said to be closer to Ndu.

 The 21st century CBC gift to the population of the entire Division is expected to improve lives and reduce death rates most often orchestrated by bad roads, long distances   and the cost of staying in Kumbo to take care of the sick ones.

 One Nformi Emmanauel Shey a native of Ndu Sub Division told The vanguard that he lost his father years back because of the distance “ I  had to cover, taking him  from Ndu to Kumbo”. Besides, he stated the stretch of road between Ndu and  kumbo  is appalling. The road he said is usually very dusty in the Dry season, moody and slippery in the wet season especially in the months of July to September.

“Transporting the sick to Kumbo for medical care has always been problematic as some patients even die on their way to the hospital due to bad road and long distances”. He said.   He described the decision of the CBC Health Board to step the health services of the Ndu Health Center “a 21st Century gift”. He hailed those conceived idea while praying God to give them more wisdom like that of the Biblical King Solomon. 


                                                                                By Chifu Edward















Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Mayor Abdou Borno Kanfon addresses comrades after two years in power as Mayor of Ndu Municipality.


18th February 2020 to 18th February 2022 is exactly two years in office as we were elected.

We have been able to contribute enormously to the return to normalcy in our municipality. When we took over, all the stores were locked in Ndu town,no market, there was no park or along roads, and few people were in hidings and out of the sub division because of the crisis. Today, thanks be to God all is functioning in Ndu municipality. In terms of infrastructural development, we tarred two streets in Ndu town, concreted two streets, built gutters to solve the drainage problems in Ndu town, graded roads within the municipality, built a bridge,  executed water projects,constructed a health center, provided water to three villages, started the construction of a more befitting council office and conference hall, secured council land, reinstalled the community radio, distributed farm tools in two occasions worth millions , distributed fertilizer to farmers more than four times worth millions, installed solar street lights,carried out campaigns against covid 19, held meetings with opinion leaders and civil societies ,etc. These actions brought us even more closer to the population, the fons,  the politicians from other parties, religious authorities, administration etc. We have received awards from media houses and civil society, words of encouragement from positive thinking Cameroonians . To me, the balance sheet is positive.

I want to thank all of us who have worked tirelessly for these achievements. All hands must continue to be  on deck for more successes to be recorded. No sitting on the fence because as days passes we are approaching the next elections. Only our achievements will bring us more victories.

We should know that our opponents are mobilising and are anxious to come back.

We shall continue to make things more difficult for them by executing more projects and making the electorates more comfortable with us.

May I take this opportunity to salute and appreciate all those who contributed genuinely to these successes recorded so far. I encourage everybody to join us in this very difficult task of developing the municipality by the council and the MP. So far so good. Ndu MUST be great. We are calling on all sons and daughters of Ndu both home and abroad to invest positively for the development of Ndu Municipality.

Good morning comrades. May God bless all o

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