Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Xenophobic Attacks on Danpullo's estate in South Africa creates Diplomatic tension

Elh Danpullo: Victim of envy.

The decision by Cameroon senate to intervain in seizure of Elh Baba Danpullo is an indication that the issue has taken another twist. The attitude of South African court may act as a deterrent for Business magnets interested in South  Africa.
Le Jeune Mbella Mbella, Minister of External Relations has told Members of Cameroon Senate that the government of Cameroon has been working very closed with the government of South Africa to ensure that the assets of Baba Ahmadou Danpullo is not tempered with under unclear circumstances. Minister Le Jeune Mbella Mbella made the statement in responds to Senator Fon Chafah Isaac reaction to the report of the Foreign Affairs Committee. His Royal Highness Senator Fon Chafah XI of Bangolan in his quest for justice had asked the minister of external relations the diplomatic channels that government of Cameroon is using to cause the South African government to come to reason over the unjust decision against the richest man in Francophone Africa (according to FORBES Magazine), El Hadj Ahmadou Baba Danpullo.In his responds, Minister Le Jeune Mbela assured the senate that the Head of State, H. E. Paul Biya when briefed on the issue wrote to the South African President, though he did not give details about the content of the letter. Meanwhile, Senator Fon Chaffah XI addressing members of government on the seizure of Danpullo’s assets in South Africa said Baba Danpullo has been denied justice in South Africa with an investment worth about 500 billion FCFA. He said previous presidents sustained a good relationship with him. He said his deal with First National Bank is not unusual with any businessman dealing with a bank. “The way he has been treated because of the repayment of this loan he took leaves us with a lot of doubts and I begin to ask questions, if Baba Ahmadou Danpullo was a South African, the justice department of South Africa would have handled his case the way they han - dled it.” Said Fon Chaffah to Senate Members and to the Minister of External Relations. He went further that it is not jus- tice to owe 21 billion FCFA and the bank went on a rampage to seize all his belongs in SouthAfrica, which is no longer justice to seize property worth about 500 billion FCFA. “The principle of international relations is base on reciprocity… if the government of Cameroon has been very nice to South Africans in Cameroon… we have been very hospitable and welcoming, we expect similar treatment to our citizens in South Africa”.

Senator Fon Chafah said. “What has happened is broad day armed robbery which cannot be accepted in the world of today”, he concluded by requesting to get further assurances that government will do more not only to protect Danpullo but to assure other Cameroonian investors in South Africa that their investments are protected. Popular opinion in Cameroon have been very disappointed with the xenophobic attack of on Baba Danpullo’s investments in South Africa.

We follow the news as it happens and where it happens.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Quatar 2022, Cameroon born Embolo " the rejected stone in Cameroon becomes the Conner Stone in Switzerland

The law of nature continues to hunt Cameroon.

   Striker - Breel Embolo,
a star  neglected ,crusifies  his country Cameroon .

There is no meritocracy in almost  all sphere in Cameroon. No Geo-political, balance  in decision making,no morit in appointment and employment, almost everything is based on God fatherlism , nepotism, tribal or political lines. This explains why the  system is failing from A to Z. 
Embolo who from every indications regretted scoring against his country in todays encounter between Cameroon and Switzerland has explained in a news outfit  that he was rejected by Cameroon football hierarchy  when he came home,yearning for selection into the national team. He was asked to bring his father to discuss with some highly placed personality of the nations before he could be taken . He left disappointed and went back to Switzerland where his talents is being recognized.  His mother has made similar declaration on media. "We have seen his worth in today's encounter. It is still not clear if there is any Anglophone in the selection. 
Football officials of this country should try to draw a regional balance in the selection of players into the national team . This will give everyone a sense of belonging and spur patriotism.What is the meaning of leaving together when some tribes have monopoly over others ,not even based on merit? How many players of the national team  are from North,Extreme north,Adamawa, Southwest, Northwest and the East regions? Football authorities in Cameroon should give equal opportunities to all and try to strike a balance in the selection of players into the national team. Says a fan, Ndoh Ignatius Lantum. He  who got so disappointed with the defeat of the lions today. He spoke to the Vanguard in an exclusive after the match.He observed that there was a leakage at the "magic triangle" on Cameroon side. This gave the opponent the advantage to strike the lone goal ,which inversely  came from   a Cameroonian playing for  Switzerland  National team. Embolo is said to have been rejected  as he had no God father to push him through. 

Reactions from fans of indomitable lions 

Fanatics continue to assess the national team in relation to individuals rather than the collective output.
The coming of Eto'o worsened the situation, as his omnipresence makes nonsense even of the coach. As president of the FA, he was the only one presented with the team dressed in the team's outfit at the final training session before the match against Switzerland.
At the end of the match, attention quickly turned on Embolo, the young Swiss striker of Cameroon origin, who scored the lone goal, dashing the hopes of many fanatics.
When I saw the police guarding their Yaounde home few minutes after, and heard the bitter comment from his mum who said that her son was rejected in Cameroon, I concluded that we still have a long way to go.
Football is a big lie. Stakers and advertizers put in money and recover from tickets and sale of their products.
To sell the fake dream that Cameroon is going in to win the Cup, is to worsen the supoorters' ignorance. Making many frustrated ones to go violent at the least failure.
The social media jokes, sending threats to Embolo for the betrayal are simply out of place. To focus on who scored the goal, rather than the quality of the team that was fielded is not sportsmanship.
In a country where double nationality is illegal, why would fans talk so much about a Swiss citizen scoring a goal, simply because he was born in Cameroon?
The young man felt the burden of scoring against a team he should have defended with pride, and came over to the players to hug them, as if to say, next time will be better guys.
Too late, and we hope not too late to learn to focus on the game as entertainment, rather than looking at individuals.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Mezam SDO debunks killing of GTHS Student by uniform man

Contrary to social media diatribe fanned by some electronic media practitioners that a student was killed in tussle with a state uniform man, the SDO for Mezam has issued a commique stating that there were no casualties as claimed by some rumors mungers.
A source from the said school has also attested to the Vanguard newspaper that there were no casualties as claimed by others.
The SDO's commique that calls for calm, contain details as to what happened, contrary to what is circulating on social media. See details on the commique below

Monday, November 14, 2022


Baba Danpullo victim of xenophobia  and envy 

THE FACTS Mr. BABA DANPULLO is a first-rate economic operator in French-speaking black Africa. According to the FORBES Magazine ranking, he is the first fortune in French-speaking black Africa. Particularly excelling in the real estate sector, he has made significant investments in this sector, and acquired, some thirty years ago, a large real estate portfolio in South Africa valued at more than 300 billion CFA francs.
A few years ago, he was accompanied by a South African bank called FIRST NATIONAL BANK for the acquisition of a building worth 21 billion CFA francs. While the repayment of the loan granted was staggered over a period of 10 years, this bank will for no apparent reason put an end to the said credit agreement and demand its immediate reimbursement. liquidation for payment of 21 billion CFA francs.

A country dominated since the dawn of time by whites and supported in this by the policy of apartheid, the real estate sector is controlled by the white minority grouped together in large banking and insurance groups. .Very few, if not no South Africans individually own such an impressive real estate portfolio, which is why when the players in the real estate sector realized that these properties belonged to a foreigner, moreover black , they decided to eject him from the sector.
THE REAL ESTATE SECTOR IN SOUTH AFRICA A country dominated since the dawn of time by whites and supported in this by the policy of apartheid, the real estate sector is controlled by the white minority grouped together in large banking and insurance groups. .Very few, if not no South Africans individually own such an impressive real estate portfolio, which is why when the players in the real estate sector realized that these properties belonged to a foreigner, moreover black , they decided to eject him from the sector.
The South African justice completely controlled by whites, will be put to contribution, and by summary procedures, the plan hatched by the actors of the South African real estate sector will be implemented all the requests and objections formulated by the Cameroonian BABA AHMADOU DANPULLO rejected. Currently all of his assets are under judicial control, his employees unemployed, his bank accounts frozen, his rents confiscated and he no longer has access to any of his real estate. His legal claims in this country being systematically rejected, he had no other recourse than to take legal action in his country.

According to Jeune Afrique, in its online publication reserved for subscribers and dated November 10, 2022, relayed by the Online Journal "Investing in Cameroon" and many others, the FIRST NATIONAL BANK claims that Mr. BABA AHMADOU DANPULLO would have missed to its repayment obligations despite the additional time that would have been granted to it. That even giving credit to this statement which does not tally with the reality of the facts, how can we explain that for a debt of 21 billion CFA francs , we seize the entire assets of the debtor valued at more than 500 billion CFA francs. That in the worst case the bank would have recovered the building that it financed the purchase, and if necessary withhold the advances already made by BABA DANPULLO, but that no, it opted to exclude it from the real estate in South Africa by requesting the liquidation of all of his assets in that country.

According to Jeune Afrique, in its online publication reserved for subscribers and dated November 10, 2022, relayed by the online Journal "Investing in Cameroon" and many others, the FIRST NATIONAL BANK claims that Mr. BABA AHMADOU DANPULLO would have failed in his repayment obligations despite the additional time which would have been granted to him. That by even granting credit to this declaration which does not tally with the reality of the facts, how we explain that for a claim of 21 billion CFA francs, we seize the entire assets of the debtor valued at more than 500 billion CFA francs. 

A country dominated since the dawn of time by whites and supported in this by the policy of apartheid, the real estate sector is controlled by the white minority grouped together in large banking and insurance groups. .Very few, if not no South Africans individually own such an impressive real estate portfolio, which is why when real estate sector players realized that these properties belonged to a foreigner, moreover black , they decided to eject him from the sector. South African justice completely controlled by whites, will be put to use, and by summary procedures, the plan hatched by the actors of the South African real estate sector will be implemented. in execution all the requests and objections formulated by the Cameroonian BABA AHMADOU DANPULLO rejected. Currently all of his assets are under judicial control, his unemployed employees, his bank accounts Cairo frozen, its rent confiscated and no longer has access to any of its real estate. His legal claims in this country being systematically rejected, he had no other recourse than to take legal action in his country. 
THE CLAIMS OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK (SOUTH AFRICAN BANK) According to Jeune Afrique, in its online publication reserved for subscribers and dated November 10, 2022, relayed by the online Journal "Investing in Cameroon" and many others, the FIRST NATIONAL BANK claims that Mr. BABA AHMADOU DANPULLO would have failed in his repayment obligations despite the additional time which would have been granted to him. That by even granting credit to this declaration which does not tally with the reality of the facts, how we explain that for a claim of 21 billion CFA francs, we seize the entire assets of the debtor valued at more than 500 billion CFA francs. That in the worst case the bank would have recovered the building that it financed the purchase, and if necessary withhold the advances already made by BABA DANPULLO, but that no, it opted to exclude it from the real estate in South Africa by requesting the liquidation of all of his assets in this country. OPINION OF A LEGAL EXPERT Contacted for clarification, a lawyer tells us "subject to having all the elements of the file, that a credit agreement accompanied by a mortgage assignment can in no way justify the liquidation of the debtor's entire estate. He informs us that in the worst case, the bank can realize the mortgage and be paid on the price and, if necessary, seek damages. What is happening in South Africa against the billionaire BABA DANPULLO does not not justify in law, one cannot realize assets worth more than 500 billion CFA francs for having paid 21 billion CFA francs. The most amazing thing is that for having exercised the option to liquidate all of BABA DANPULLO's assets, the FIRST NATIONAL BANK had to confine the amount of the debt pursued and return the surplus to it, something it did not do and which reinforces some observers to the idea of ​​a xenophobic plot. DANPULLO and the State of Cameroon have an interest in pursuing legal and diplomatic channels, because the stakes go beyond a simple legal case".

 LEGAL AFFAIR, CAMEROONIAN JUSTICE INDEXED WRONGLY Colonization will have left serious and indelible scars in the way of thinking of Africans, which pushes them to always see evil everywhere and to apologize even when they are right. This sad observation revealed itself once again during the dispute between the Cameroonian billionaire BABA AHMADOU DANPULLO and a South African banking group, where a certain press, instead of understanding what is happening in this case, quickly made to index Cameroonian justice following the precautionary seizures of debts carried out by the Group of Companies BESTINVER against MTN and CHOCOCAM.
THE REAL ESTATE SECTOR IN SOUTH AFRICA A country dominated since the dawn of time by whites and supported in this by the policy of apartheid, the real estate sector is controlled by the white minority grouped together in large banking and insurance groups. .Very few, if not no South Africans individually own such an impressive real estate portfolio, which is why when real estate sector players realized that these properties belonged to a foreigner, moreover black , they decided to eject him from the sector. South African justice completely controlled by whites, will be put to use, and by summary procedures, the plan hatched by the actors of the South African real estate sector will be implemented. in execution all the requests and objections formulated by the Cameroonian BABA AHMADOU DANPULLO rejected. Currently all of his assets are under judicial control, his unemployed employees, his bank accounts Cairo frozen, its rent confiscated and no longer has access to any of its real estate. His legal claims in this country being systematically rejected, he had no other recourse than to take legal action in his country. 

According to Jeune Afrique, in its online publication reserved for subscribers and dated November 10, 2022, relayed by the online Journal "Investing in Cameroon" and many others, the FIRST NATIONAL BANK claims that Mr. BABA AHMADOU DANPULLO would have failed in his repayment obligations despite the additional time which would have been granted to him. That by even granting credit to this declaration which does not tally with the reality of the facts, how we explain that for a claim of 21 billion CFA francs, we seize the entire assets of the debtor valued at more than 500 billion CFA francs. That in the worst case the bank would have recovered the building that it financed the purchase, and if necessary withhold the advances already made by BABA DANPULLO, but that no, it opted to exclude it from the real estate in South Africa by requesting the liquidation of all of his assets in this country. 

OPINION OF A LEGAL EXPERT Contacted for clarification, a lawyer tells us "subject to having all the elements of the file, that a credit agreement accompanied by a mortgage assignment can in no way justify the liquidation of the debtor's entire estate. He informs us that in the worst case, the bank can realize the mortgage and be paid on the price and, if necessary, seek damages. What is happening in South Africa against the billionaire BABA DANPULLO does not not justify in law, one cannot realize assets worth more than 500 billion CFA francs for having paid 21 billion CFA francs. The most amazing thing is that for having exercised the option to liquidate all of BABA DANPULLO's assets, the FIRST NATIONAL BANK had to confine the amount of the debt pursued and return the surplus to it, something it did not do and which reinforces some observers to the idea of ​​a xenophobic plot. DANPULLO and the State of Cameroon have an interest in pursuing legal and diplomatic channels, because the stakes go beyond a simple legal case". 
They would benefit from approaching the Judges and the file to understand that the Judge acted in full legality, and that MTN, CHOCOCAM and BROADBAND exercised the remedies that the law authorizes, if they demonstrate that they do not have nothing to do with this case the Judge will advise, but for the moment it is necessary to stop the pressures and let justice take its course. happening in Cameroon is bad, would benefit from enlightening the opinion on these court decisions rendered in South Africa, where to recover 21 billion CFA francs, the South African justice authorized the liquidation of the entire heritage of BABA AHMADOU DANPULLO valued at more than 500 billion CFA francs. The public must remember that Cameroonian justice is serious and independent, and that the law will be said in this case. You will not see any South African so speak ill of the justice of his country, these things are only seen in Cameroon.
In the memory of Cameroonian justice, no rich or poor foreigner has ever been expropriated under the cover of court decisions, which is the case in South Africa, because obviously it is neither more nor less an expropriation disguised under the veil of justice. 

Following the attachment of the debts of MTN and CHOCOCAM while the procedures are still in progress, some observers claim that this would negatively impact the business climate in Cameroon. This same apprehension the Cameroonians have with regard to the destination South Africa to invest there, because if the businessman n ° 1 in Cameroon is thus treated in South Africa, what will he of young economic operators. This case simply brings to light the drama experienced by black African investors in South Africa, who does not remember the violent xenophobic attacks suffered by Nigerians, Cameroonians, Zimbabweans and other black Africans, which has never taken place in Cameroon, which is a real land of welcome for everyone. By implementing it now on large fortunes, the MONKAM family and many other Cameroonians would benefit from making arrangements if they do not want not suffer what BABA AHMADOU DANPULLO is currently going through in South Africa. Apart from this frank marginal of the population who believe that BABA AHMADOU DANPULLO does not have the right to seek justice in his country, the vast majority of the population finds his approach soft, and would like to see brilliant actions such as marches and other public demonstrations to signify to the State of South Africa the disapproval of the Cameroonian people in the face of what is happening to their captain of industry.


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