Monday, January 30, 2023

13 political Parties running for the Senate

Elections Cameroon ELECAM has finally shortlisted thirteen political parties for the 2023 race for seats in the upper house of Parliament  slated for March 12. 

The information was made known as ELECAM closed it’s doors on the midnight of January 28th while receiving files of those to run for the elections. 

The CPDM is the only political party that has applied to contest in all the ten regions of Cameroon.
The parties to contest include ;the Cameroonian Union for Democracy and Innovation, The Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement, the Social Democratic Front, the Front des Démocrates Camerounais, the Union of the Peoples of Cameroon, the National Union for Democracy and Progress, the Democratic Union of Cameroon, The Democratic Youth of Cameroon and the Union of Socialist Movements, the Cameroonian Party for National Reconciliation, the National Salvation Front Party,the National Alliance for Democracy and Progress and the Movement for the Defense of the Republic

Political parties like the Union of the Peoples of Cameroon UPC, with no municipal or regional councillors wants to occupy seats at the Littoral, the centre, Adamaoua and the North-West

The National Union for Democracy and Progress also wants to compete in four regions: Far North, North, Adamaoua and East.

The Democratic Union of Cameroon has submitted a list to run in the West Region

The Democratic Youth of Cameroon and the Union of Socialist Movements also want seats.

The Cameroonian Party for National Reconciliation has filed a list in the Littoral Region.

The National Salvation Front of Cameroon want to hold seats in the North Region.

The National Alliance for Democracy and Progress and the Movement for the Defense of the Republic wants seats in the Far North.

The Social Democratic Front is vying for seats in the North-west.

By chifu Edward

We follow the news as it happens and where it happens.

Abuse of Democratic principles is fragmenting CPDM : Akemnche George

The brouhaha amongst CPDM big wigs over senatorial representation is a premonition of an impending doom.
The decision by party hierarchy to select candidates instead of organising primaries for the grassroot militants to choose their leaders is an abuse of Democratic principles.

H E. Elung Paul Che

Prof Elvis Ngolle Ngolle

The introduction of a coordination committee by some overzealous top-notch militants to pilot the affairs of the party,is failing .
It has brought more rancor and antagonism amongst militants.
The pace of the CPDM politics is decided by Yaounde, not the section presidents and their grassroot followers.
The anger boiling in the militants shall only be seen in the ballot box. Militants are fuming.
The roar between Ngole Ngole and Elung Paul is an indication that the days ahead are gloomy for CPDM.
The coordination committee according to some party militants " is a chopping arrangements by retirees , their functions are derogatory to the party and bringing us more confusion and rancor in the party, we are more divided and discouraged from mobilizing militants at the base,since our voices are never heard by those "supper" militants from Yaounde." Akemnche George a grassroot militant lamented in a chat with Vanguard recently.
He was reacting to what he saw in Ayaba Hotel during the compilation of documents for the senatorial election and the development from the stalemate between H E Elung Paul Che and professor Ngolle Ngolle over the senatorial candidates selection in the Southwest region. This type of disgraceful incident could not have happened if aspirants had go by primaries. He said.
Akemnche opined that the life of CPDM party is hanging on a  string." If we survive in this senatorial election,2025 will reveal the truth,even if we use money. The Anglophones can no longer sale their consciences for chicken change  ( money)most often used by most aspirants  to woo militants. 
Even use of intimidation and corruption will nolonger be the role of the game . If we are not allowed to choose our representatives, we will  cast our votes in favour of any opposition party in the race in the region. 
We don't need an investiture committee in the CPDM!, they are spoiling our party .He reiterated. 
Monkey de work, baboon de chop? No way!. Grassroots militants should be allowed to choose their leaders else we will all perish as fools. He warn".

By chifu Edward

We follow the news as it happens and where it happens.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Bda City Council Mayor Metamorphosis to a Rev. Pastor

      Rev.Achumbong Paul.

Bamenda City Council Mayor ,Achumbong Paul, has given his life to Christ to be able to a fisher of men.
He is now called Rev. Achumbong Paul.
His spiritual transformation witnessed by a cream of Northwest Administration and a cross section of economic operators gives a new impetus to the administration of Bamenda City council.
Paul Achumbong was induced  as Overcomes Chapel Parish Pastor Bamenda Chapter and his Persnal Assistance,Mekom Samuel ordained Rev. Pastor on Sunday January 29 at their uption South south reformed congregation which saw its inauguration on same date.

            Rev Keji Faustus

 Paul Achumbong induction as parish pastor and ordination of his Personal Assistance,Mekom Samuel T,marks a turning point in the life and administration of the city council and Bamenda town as a whole. As Rev. Gentle men of God,they are   expected to give a more human face to their administration, work with  probity  and reinforce the  fight against corruption,a cancer worm that has eaten deep into the fabric of most state instutions. 
The ceremony brought together christians from other churches.

    Pastor Mekom Samuel T

The City mayor is remembered saying he has a dream of  Bamenda becoming the Abudabi of Cameroon in years to come. This big dream is has been slowed down by  the Anglophones political brouhaha Which has held the restive Anglophones regions for more than two. 
Rev. Keji Faustus general overseer of Overcomes Chapel yaounde who conducted the induction and ordination reminded the fresh men of God that the pastoral work is not for firm within the church    but to glorify God and moralize the society.

By chifu Edward

We follow the news as it happens and where it happens.


Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Senatorial Race puts NW CPDM militants at odds with hierarchy

NW CPDM may suffer a serious political blow in the up coming senatorial election following the roar eropting from the senatorial registration exercise in Bamenda.
The  reject of the documents of some militants, many  thought  are indespensible given their  adherence and assiduity to the party has sparked controversy  amongst militants. 

Some Municipal and Regional Councilors in Mezam Division in particular and other Divisions in general have expressed fears that in the end, names of popular grassroots candidates for the upcoming elections would not feature on the final list to be published in the weeks ahead.

As several unpopular CPDM candidates showed up for the compilation of their files for the different lists that cropped up, the councilors who passed around Ayaba Hotel, venue for the compilation and formation of lists in the Region, have expressed disgust  with the manner the various lists are being constituted. Many of the councilors said they were seeing some of the candidates for the very first time and questioned the possibility of them voting candidates they don’t know.

 The Councilors were  however unanimous of the opinion that Yang’s CPDM Permanent Delegation of the North West Region, must do all in their efforts to rescue the situation before it gets worse.

According to these diehard CPDM Councilors of Menchum, Mezam, Momo and Boyo extractions, Mr. Yang’s Team must go into serious work for the proper selection of the right candidates who will meet the aspiration of the population in crisis.
 They all wished that, only the most popular and grassroots candidates be chosen. The choice of  Candidates whose presence at the Senate would help in fostering peace efforts and the return to normalcy should be paramount, than bring in unpopular candidates who would rather be a source of disappointment and anger to the population.

Hear some of the irate councilors present at Ayaba Hotel today, “Let’s just wait and see! If the final list is published and we don’t find the names of those we know are true candidates of the grassroots, we shall know what to do on polling day”.
 Beside, some of those favoured  by the hierarchy are said to be  hodoes to the party,based on their past electoral records.
  It is on this premise that soothsayers have cautioned against non respect of the views of  grassroots militants in the senatorial arrangements.
  Social Democratic Front SDF is said to be more organized in the senatorial arrangements more than the CPDM as they are said to have constituted only one list.

 In Bui Division, there is already a diatribe against Madam Enow Lafon. See article below. 

 Frustrated aspirants have expressed bitterness and disgust   with the manner in which  the various lists are  constituted.
 Some  of those  aspirants who cliam to be  party faithfuls are political adventurers who only surfaced on Ayaba for the race.

Although animosity,slander and back stabbing is phenomenal in politics, organizers of the CPDM senatorial Race should be tactful and wise as the terrain may be very slippery for the party this time around, given the Anglophones brouhaha that has antagonized the political elite and grassroots .

Hear some of the irate councilors present at Ayaba Hotel today, “Let’s just wait and see! If the final list is published and we don’t find the names of those we know are true candidates of the grassroots, we shall know what to do on polling day”.


I am a committed militant of the CPDM Party and a person who is concerned with the growth of Bui Division and Cameroon as a whole. I am an internally displaced person based in Bamenda.
I want to make my voice, which represents the voices of many grassroot militants and population on the choice of a Senatorial candidate from Bui Division for the forthcoming Senatorial Elections. Bui Division has been very unfortunate in its choice of a representative in the Senate The choice of the very first Senator, Emma lafon Eno brought opposition, curses and especially a bad name to the party. In the end we lost to the opposition despite our large number of councillors at our disposal.

As she boasted years back, We hear her name is coming again in 2023. Her usual team has started insulting and intimidating militants in the name of party discipline, brandishing her as the candidate of kuete and Yang .

I will like you to know the following:
1. Madam Eno’s leadership has never been accepted by the people of Kumbo due lack of representation results.

2. She is fond of imposing the choice of candidates for any local election, be it at Party, local or National elections.

3. She was given a sanction vote during the 2018 senatorial elections when the CPDM lost the Senatorial seat for Bui. because of her. Councillors gave her a ‘’SANCTION VOTE’’ at the detriment of the Party. History might repeat itself.

4. Madam ENO is distant from the realities of the people of Kumbo and Bui Division at large.

5. As a female leader, she has never had a women’s group as other female leaders have. She only has a well selected group of gossipers and demagogues around her, insulting those who think contrary.

6. Her father was renowned in Nso no doubt but Emma Eno is not. Their family concession hosted the SDF sittings and we doubt how many of her family members are CPDM militants apart from her late sister Elizabeth.
She is not credible at all and can destroy the image of the party because she symbolizes failure already.
Things must change
and some of us do not want to sacrifice our Senatorial seat to the opposition again because of her.The party hierarchy should  remember that the CPDM lost the senatorial election to the opposition because of this woman from. Bui. We  smell it coming again but this time we will not be ready  to stomach  the shame and pain. We are in a hostile  area and our people don't want to hear her name again.. What good thing has she done for kumbo  and Bui ?.HOW MANY YEARS IS IT SINCE SHE LAST WENT TO KUMBO? If you people doubt what I am saying, go ahead and put her name in the list and you ll see the consequences.  We will all be in the field. 
  Long live the CPDM.

                                                             Your militant

KINDZEKA Christian Avera 

- The Regional Head of the CPDM, North West
- The Divisional Head of the CPDM, Bui
- The SDO for BUI.

        By chifu Edward

We follow the news as it happens and where it happens.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Horror in Bamenda!Two ELECAM Delegates killed within 24 hours

Yufela Gilbert ELECAM Jakiri    Sub Division

There consternation in Bamenda following the killing  of two  ELECAM divisional  delegates within 24 hours.  
 The divisional delegate for MOMO division of the North West region Kahyi John Fai was  linched  in his compound in  Bamenda by an angry mob while that of Jakiri Sub Division  Yufela Gilbert was shot  at the entrance to his house at Funcha street.

Popularly called ( In charge), John Fai was beaten to death by a mob at New road neighborhood in Bamenda 3, this January  19th 2023.

According to our sources, a thief who was caught early  Thursday morning  19th of January 2023, breaking into a house at the neighborhood,  had disclosed that John Fai was his boss. The thief is reported to have revealed that his boss  Kahyi John Fai has been buying all the stolen items he and his gang brings to him.  The thief equally revealed other deals with John Fai in relation to stolen items.

The crowd is reported to have stormed his compound at new road, pull him out and got him well beaten untill he was almost giving up the ghost, and was rushed to PMI Nkwen where he was confirmed dead.

Kahyi John Fai : MOMO Division

Quarter members of New Road confirmed  to our sources that the DD of ELECAM in MOMO is noted for dealing with youths and other persons who's characters are questionable in Bamenda town

His corpse was taken to the mortuary.

The killing of Kaihyi John Fai this January 19th 2023, comes after the shooting to death of the ELECAM  divisional branch delegate for Jakiri Yufela Gilbert , on the night of January 18th 2023 at about 8pm at Foncha Junction.

Gunmen allegedly Amba fighters are reported to have attacked him infront of his gate at Foncha Junction,  as he returned home at about 8pm. No seperatist group has claimed responsibility so far. 


By chifu Edward

We follow the news as it happens and where it happens.

Monday, January 16, 2023

NW 2023 BUDGET – Stake Holders oriented on the new dynamics

The  2023 budget in income and expenditure  for the northwest region stands at FCFA (6,345.1) six billion three hundred and forty-five million, one hundred thousand, against (6,080.4)six billion eighty million, four hundred thousand  of last year 2022, witnessing an increase of FCFA (264.7)two hundred and sixty-four billion, seven million francs, representing a relative increase of fourfour per cent 4.4 % .
 Unlike the previous budgets in which stake holders had the latitude to carry forward, execute project with some degree of laxity and rescheduling payment of un paid bills, execution of 2023 budget has been restricted to the financial year. In this regard project conceived for 2023 must be executed on record time as there shall be no carry forward. 

        Nji Donatus Achu
         Chief of mission 

The charger de mission from the ministry of Finance Nji Donatus Achu explained that the new orientation is aimed at checking problems usually encountered with brought forwards bills or contracts etc. He explained during the launching of the 2023 budget which took place at MINEPAT hall Bamenda on Monday January 16 that, debts and contracts must be paid or executed within the stipulated deadlines to avoid the sanctions that goes with late execution of contracts. He gave a clinical explanation to all the worries raised by participants about the new regulations and some of the intrigues of the new reforms.   
Regional service heads made presentations of their activities of last year.  
 Speaking earlier, the Governor of Norhwest region Lele L’Afrique , underscored the fact that the  budget is the driving force behind the political ,economic , social and cultural life of the country.Money he went on,is  the life wire of all development efforts of the nation.“ It is through  the budget that we give an economic and material realization to all our development policy”. He explained that its execution both at the level of the state and   technical level, set the pace of the very existence, growth and development of the society as a whole.  To avoid sanctions, or return of credit cards to Yaoundé, he exhorted the stakeholders to execute the budget within the frame work of finance laws and make use of experts in the domain of public finance etc.  He hailed stakeholders of the region for their impressive score in the 2022 execution rates which stands at 88.06 %p. He expressed wish for a score of 100 percent in 2023.   

         By chifu Edward

We follow the news as it happens and where it happens.

Friday, January 13, 2023

Senatorial Race: WHO is WHO in Ngokitunjia?

- Dingha Ignatius or Ndifor Christopher Sunday?
- Who should be the  favourite  and Why ?
- Who should not be and Why ?
Watch out a special focus  on the political profile and magnanimity of these two  allegedly standing for the Senatorial race.  

Only in The Vanguard

ELECTION Cameroon evaluate challenges ahead of March 12 senatorial election

To give more credence to March 12 senatorial election and eschew political hullabaloo, a common characteristic of electoral exercises in most countries and Cameroon in particular, the Chairman of “ELECAM” Enow Abraham held a strategic meeting with stake holders in Bamenda on Friday January 13 to set the stage for a hitch free electoral exercise. The meeting brought together ELECAM officials, Municipal authorities and political parties’ representatives of the region to evaluate, brainstorm and sort solutions to some of the holdups of electoral exercise encountered over the years.

This is aimed at creating an atmosphere of trust to give credibility to the upcoming Senatorial election. Participants were allowed to freely express their worries and exhume their past electoral experiences to enable the chair man sort lasting solution to them. Although tempers fired between some party representatives over electoral fraud, the meeting ended in a very convivial atmosphere as the Chairman was very tactful in his deliberation. He gave very mature and convincing responses to the issues raised. He disclosed that all commission workers shall henceforth be intitled to financial motivation without regards to their political affiliations. 

Thee meeting saw the presentation of statistics of the registration exercise in the region which stands at 602,039 potential electors. The regional Delegate of ELECAM Wofoa Njoya Sake gave a clinical report of the activities of the institution in the region. Enow Abraham exhorted militants to learn to live together to be able to put an end the political brouhaha that has plunged the region into arm twisting for over six years. He attributed the extension of the stalemate on internal political antagonism amongst political elite.While exhorting the political elite to speak with one voice to be able to convince the children against the insurgence that has held the region hostage for more than six years, he insisted that the indifference will not help things out.

       By chifu Edward

We follow the news as it happens and where it happens.


Thursday, January 12, 2023

NW/ West Gendarmerie Commander launches Campaign Against Highways Corruption Anarchy

Col.Ndam  Mbouombouo  Moussa Chief of Staff 

Against the backdrop of corruption, too many controls, anarchy in the treatment of road users, extortion of money from drivers and passengers by some uncultured Uniform men at control points, the Commander of the joined 5th Gendarmerie Region, Brigadier General Housseini Djibo has launched a vigorous campaign against all forms of corruption and anarchical treatment of road users by police and Gendarmes on the Bamenda -Bafoussam highway. The campaign is in two phases. Phase one, is dissemination of information and Phase II, implementation. 

Too ensure sanity and avoid problems with police and gendarmes on the highway, passengers were exhorted to establish all their valid identification papers, while vehicle owners urged to acquire all valid documents within a period of one week. The special squad led by  (CEM/RG 5) NW  Chief of Staff of the Northwest 5th Gendarmerie Region, Colonel Ndam Mbouombouo Moussa on Wednesday January 11 took Babajou and Carrefour Bamungum by storm.

 Practical control lessons and other professional lessons were delivered on the spot to prepare them against repressive measures against those who default. He warned his colleagues against all forms of unethical practices and non-respect of traffic norms. He exhorted the routier control check to stop control at Carrefour Bamungum as it was too close to the mixed control. Anyone who faulters will be sanctioned accordingly he warned. He said he or his boss shall make surprise visits and anyone caught doing the wrong thing will be fired with immediate effect. he warned.Colonel Ndam intimated that it is unethical to control vehicles on both sides of the road. 

        Practical exercise

“You either choose one side of the road and allow the other side to flow or you alternate after every 30 munities or one hour. I don’t want to see double control of vehicles or a long line of vehicles waiting to be controlled. If two or three vehicles are coming, single one out and control it and allow the others to pass, for traffic to flow”. He warned .

Informating Road users about their new mission

He also cautioned against unnecessary delay of passengers or road users and causing unnecessary traffic. Coming on the heels of two separate meetings held with transporters syndicate in Bafoussam and Bamenda by General Housseini Djibo to diagnose the problems faced by road users orchestrated by recent roar between a truck driver and a uniform man in the north, the crusade is aimes at reducing unnecessary control check points ,tension, corruption and exploitation of road users.  The removal of Matazem and Akum control check points which was a nightmare has restored smiles on the faces of the population of Northwest and west regions.     

           Practical exercise 
After Babajou and Carrefour Bamungum,the caravan  shall proceed  Carrefour Dchange in Sanchou, Magba in the Noun  and Tunga all in the west region to restore order and illuminate highway holdups mounted by some  uniform men for obvious reasons.  Besides, the numerous controls which is nothing short of cash collection points for some uncultured uniform men, the practice has damaged the reputation  of Cameroon which was hitherto highly respected abroad as a country of Men and women of probity. To put an end to the anarchy and corrupt practices that has denigrated the image of Cameroon, both uniform officers and road users have been advise to work within the ambit of the law. “Police and Gendarmes only take advantage of the lack of authentic documents to exploit you. If you have all your documents, nobody will disturb you”.  

Babajou -Officers drilled 

Gen. Housseini is remembered as saying that “Those of you who do not want to establish all your valid vehicle or travel documents are parts of the problem.  You must go to equity with clean hands”. If don’t want to have problem with the police and Gendarmes on the high way get all your documents. If anyone   forces you to give him money, report him to the hierarchy and immediate sanctions will be mated on that uniform officer”.  He has always been insisting in most of the crisis meeting held with transporters syndicate. 

Passengers on board were visibly happy with the new reforms as they applauded the officers who desiminated information about new control reforms which is going to be speedy and friendly.
The lauded the initiative of the new Generals which is gradually rekindling love and unism amongst them and the population. " If others were this new Generals,we would have long had peace in the Northwest.  James Ashing a passenger on board. 

By chifu Edward      
     We follow the news as it happens and where it happens.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Santa Mayor urges councilors to be positive thinkers

HRM Samakie Elvis Gahnyam II,Mayor of Santa council- Mezam Division northwest region , made the appeal during a council cession held recently  In Santa Municipal Hall to vote 2023 Budget. Given the unethical and non-mastery of council affairs as exhibited most often by some councilors during council sessions, the mayor called for a positive attitude and civic responsibility   to enable them move forward as “ only a positive attitude and resilience will determine our  survival as a local government”.  Although the council made a tremendous record in collection of over 58 millions in local revenue which is quite outstanding in the region troubled by political instability for over six years, the mayor, exhorted the councilors to be more committed to council activities to enable go above the figure next year. He also encouraged the councilors to always make it as a duty to involved the electorate in the selection of projects to   ensure effective participation of all and sundry.  This would guarantee the sustainability of projects realized for the population, Although a budget of FCFA 868.100.000 was voted for 2023, in income and expenditure, the realization of the budget he insisted  will largely depend on the assiduity of the councilors and response of the population   through tax declaration.  He insisted on diligence, probity and need for the councilors to focus on meaningful development issues.He presented some council  staff notably Mantoh Guylene,Ndamunoh Brenda Sanyang,Safiyatou Abdou, Godwill Akere Akum , Apene Alice, Aghedwe Belus, Fomugwe Ghislian Cho , Ndansi Denis Penn, and Dingha Emmanuel who enrolled in various professional institutions  to improve on their on operational capacity. This he said is necessary for the council given the advent of  decentralization of government now  at the threshold of the local government. The representative of the SDO hailed the councilors for their high moral rectitude inhibited during the session. 
By chifu Edward      
     We follow the news as it happens and where it happens.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Gen. Housseini Djibo is not good for Cameroon. Says Kamdem Zacks

Gen. Housseini Djibo

General Housseini Djibo has been discribed by a member of transporters syndicate as a rare specie of the military given his open, frank and unadulterated professional qualities. "I have been hearing about this man and his frankness, transparency and anti corruption fight". I have seen it today. If most Cameroon statemen were like him,this country would have been paradise". Kamdem exclaimed.

  Kamdem Zacks member of west region syndicate made the observation in a chat with press shortly  after a meeting held in Bafoussam recently with the commander of the joined Gendarmerie Regions of northwest and west Region  General Housseini Djibo,to sort lasting solution to the crisis rocking the transport sector in the region.  The approach adopted by General Housseini to address their worries  left no one with an oita of doubt that he is a man of probity, poised to weed out irresponsible uniform men who have soiled the image the  corp with corruption.His take sterms from the fact that curroption is imbedded in  Cameroon and is rare to hear such a highly placed state man openly  lambast  uniform men  corrupt. He said such unethical behavior breeds hatreds and rancor between state gun men and the civilians. Uniform ,law enforcement officers are supposed to be examplary not pepertrators of corruption.

   Without mixing words, he sounded a very stern warning to wayward Gendarmerie officers noted for intimidation and extortion of money from transporters and the public.     While condemning such unethical behavior that is damaging to image of the nation,he recounted  how Cameroonians were  respected the world over of yore as a people of integrity,but to " when you present your self in foreign as Cameroonian, the security officials of that county will  carry out a thourough scrutiny of your credentials as we are noted for corruption". This he said is damaging to the nation and must stop! 
  He condemned in very strong sterms  uniform who have transformed check points to 
Money collection points.

He how ever  exported transporters to  establish all vehicle documents to eschew exploitation by both Police and Gendarms who most often take advantage of incomplete vehicle documents to exploit them. 
He gave out his contact number to the presidents of the transporters syndicate to call him anytime, where  ever a uniform man defaults.
Transports revealed appalled  stories about the behavior some uniform. They see us  transporters as a  source of revenue from where they  enrich them selves.  One of them lamented .
  The visibly General did not hesitate to call  some the uniform of the region noted for unethical practices by their names.
 He instructed the transporters syndicate to avoid working is dispersed ranks to be able to fight  corrupt  uniform officials. On this note,he exhorted them to create a focal point to able to collaborate with him  on issues affecting the transport sector in the Region.

By chifu Edward      
     We follow the news as it happens and where it happens.


Cameroon is on the brink of economic, political social, and cultural catastrophe – Maurice Kamto

          Maurice Kamto 

The Leader of the MRC addresses Cameroonians

The leader of the Cameroon Renaissance Movement (CRM), has said Cameroon is at a standstill in most domains, with projections showing that some areas are likely to worsen in the coming years.

Law Professor Maurice Kamto made the statement Saturday, December 31, 2022, as he delivered a message to Cameroonians.

The opposition leader who is alleged to have come second in the last presidential elections revealed that there is no single part of Cameroon’s economic, political, social, and cultural life that is doing well.

Describing 2022 as a disastrous year for the country, he signaled that 2023 will be a more difficult year as the economy of the country heads for doom.

“For more than three years our country has again been placed under the financial supervision of the IMF, as during the dark twenty years of the structural adjustment plans,” Kamto said adding that, “the deficit of our trade balance has continued to widen, with a spectacular drop in the volume of certain export products such as bananas and coffee, to stand at approximately minus 1400 billion FCFA.”

Describing debts incurred by the government as ‘toxic debts’, he went to say, “State indebtedness continued to soar to reach almost 44% of Gross Domestic Product today, and it is not this rate in itself that is worrying, but the fact that it is is a toxic debt.”

Lambasting the regime for presiding over the rise in the prices of basic commodities, high cost of living, Kamto revealed that there has never been an increase in wages of Cameroonian workers.

“The unprecedented increase in taxes and duties within the framework of a crisis budget which sacrifices the most vulnerable sections of the population,” Kamto went on to add that:

“the cost of living has become unbearable for most of our compatriots, with a surge in inflation and the increase in the prices of all products, leading to a phenomenon of high prices of life that is violently felt by the population”

According to the CRM president, Cameroon’s minimum wage which is less than 37,000 FCFA is very low compared to some African countries which are between 60,000 and 75,000 FCFA.

“I recall that there has been no general increase in wages in Cameroon for several decades” he revealed.

On the political life of the country, he said the year 2022 saw many peaceful protesters of the CRM party arrested and tried before military tribunals across the country.

Describing the prosecution of his party members as a scandalous criminal act, he regretted that one of his militants Rodrigue Ndagueho Koufet died in detention at the New Bell prison in Douala.

Touching on the armed conflict in the English-speaking regions, Kamto Maurice noted that every year that goes by without the conflict being resolved is one year too many.

“Too many of our compatriots, civilians, and soldiers, died in this fratricidal conflict,” he lamented adding, “It is high time that all efforts be combined at the national and international levels to bring about a definitive political solution.”

According to the political leader, “the year 2022 is also the year in which the phenomena of insecurity have worsened, linked in particular to the difficult cohabitation between certain communities in our country, to traffic, to the social excesses caused by the growing precariousness of the poorest strata of our population, particularly in urban areas, and the lack of an adequate response to the chronic problem of youth unemployment and the social exclusion it engenders”

Criticising the country’s electoral system, he accused ELECAM of lying to Cameroonians by falsifying the actual number of registered voters in the country.

“For ten years, ELECAM, which by its composition resembles a subsection of the ruling party, the CPDM, has been lying to Cameroonians,” Kamto went on revealing that “This body created to guarantee the credibility of the elections in Cameroon multiplies the maneuvers to distort the real figures of the number of voters in the country

By David Atangana

"Come and join us to build a new Cameroon" Gen Housseini Djibo

Gen. Housseini Djibo The commander of the 5th Gendarmerie regions for the West and northwest regions has appealed to the separatists...