Tuesday, February 28, 2023

NW Public works Delegate wins National Press Award

NW Public works Delegate
Ngwaimbi Paul Ayeah

Northwest Regional Delegate of Public Works ,Ngwaimbi Paul Ayeah has been honoured with a prestigious golden award as 2022 National Champion of Peace and living together by The Watchdog Tribune. 
Venerating the astute and committed state man for his selfless services to the region,epitomized by the numerous successful  road projects in the region at a colourful prize award ceremony which saw the heavy presence of south west chiefs amongst other dignatories of the Republic and beyond in Foumbot West Region on Saturday February 25, the Chairman of  the Award Committee,  Dotta Ezikiel ,said the award is meant to spur them (lauretes) to work more for peace, unity and the development of  Cameroon.
 Talking to the press shortly after the award ceremony , Ngwaimbi Paul said it is rather a big challenge not only an honour,given that it intends to spur him continue with the good works he has been doing for the community and the population of the region. He amazed by the fact that his services were being monitored by the media.
The successful execution of  Babajou - Bamenda road and other road nets within the region  apparently accounts for  his  recognition.
The regional Delegate regretted that he would have done quite much for the region Region if there were  no security challenges. 
He seized the opportunity to appeal the descenting   voices to give peace a chance for the development of the region. 
Paul intimated that   the roads under construction wouldn't only ease movement or embellish the region but would bring development the Region. 
We need good roads to develop our Region. It therefore irrational to perturb or attack those working on roads meant transform lives and improve on the economy of nation.  
He recounted a number of road projects earmarked for the region which would bring meaningful development like the Ring Road, creation of  school training of Engineers in Donga Mantung Division and creation of jobs for  2500 youths  in  17 councils of the region .
Inspite all odds, Paul is poised to leave the region better than he met it. 

By chifu Edward

We follow the news as it happens and where it happens.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

11 February celebration:UNDP sends shock waves across Nwa with massive turnout of militants

Alaji Chefor Ibraham
UNDP sub section chair man of Nwa sub Division Donga Mantung Division

There is consternation in Nwa sub Division within the CPDM following the emergency of a powerful  crowd puller under the banner of UNDP, name Alaji Chefor Ibraham. He has been crown Chief of recent.
The enthusiasm of the population  and their massive turn out at the 11 February 2023,is testimony of their loyalty to the party and the the flag  bearer of the party in the subdivision. CPDM is reportedly quacking as their international wranglings has has affected their numerical strength thus  creating an inroot for the opposition to take over in 2025 . ...........

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Work on Kumbo,Ndu, Nkambe and Misaje stretch of road soon to to start

NW Public works Delegate Ngwaimbi Paul

Contrary to speculations that the much heralded continuation of Ring Road project is a fallacy, Northwest Regional Delegate of Public works Ngwaimbi Paul has confirmed that construction works will effectively start soonest as public works ministry is currently working on some major component of the project.
In an exclusive with The Vanguard, the Delegate disclosed that a meeting focusing on the implementation of activities to support the employability of young people through labour base HIMO approach to create jobs for the youths within the frame work of support program for the transport sector within the ambit of face III three of construction of National Road No 11 (Ring Road) shall hold in the Northwest with all the stackholders in the days ahead.
He said participants ,who are beneficial municipalities shall brainstorm on the labour base approach in fragility context.
The Delegate was very optimistic that execution will be successful as the project has been awarded to three companies own by northwest elite who are conversant with local realities. He exhorted the population to collaborate with the companies to guarantee success of the project which will brought about the desired development in Division and the Region as a whole.

By chifu Edward

We follow the news as it happens and where it happens.

Friday, February 3, 2023

Nkambe: Truly Yaounde of NW Region

Thousands turn out to honour the launching of National Youthday

Cross section of students, teachers at the grand stand

Students matching pass the grand stand
Cross section of Donga Mantung tradi authorities
Teacher's of schools and administration in total communion
Donga Mantung Administration  looking at the mamouth in admiration 

SDO Nkwenti Simon Ndoh , the peace crusader addresses the students and the population

Technical students matching pass

Donga Mantung Division with headquarters in Nkambe has again demonstrated her  loyalty  to the state of Cameroon through the ground breaking turn out the population at the launching of festivities marking 2023 youthday on Thursday  January  2 in Nkambe town. The historic and landmark participation by all and sundry epitomizes the Division as the most peaceful   Division in the restive Anglophones regions since the advent of the Anglophones political instability.
If  is worth noting that Donga Mantung Division has 
Since the outbreak of the Anglophones political brouhaha, has been indifferent to vandalism and all forms unethical behaviors that could jeopardize the peace and development  and the future of their children. 
It is on this premise that most schools of the Division have since then remean operational. 
The role played by the  elite in collaboration with the administration remeans commendable

Donga Mantung Division  has in effect demonstrated her magnanimity and rational in politics and issues of national interest.  Pundits have observed that , for the division to have distinguished self from  vandalism and non respect of state instutions. No one can dispute the fact that they stand for peace and unity,watch words of any rational and any pretriotic Cameroonian .
The Division  therefore merits more appreciation from the state to spare others embrace peace, for normalcy to the region.
Unfortunately, elite of the  Division  have been become a source of envy within some  Northwest regional  structures.    Names callings and use of hurt speech has become rotten greetings against Donga Mantung elite.  The Vanguard has gathered. While others have constantly reminded Donga Mantung elite that they didn't vote for unification with La Republique, some have  resorted to insultive greetings  by use of  pigin palance . " Na wena" ! . ..." I am surrounded by Nkambe people etc. 
  These enemies of the house have fallen short of the fact that ,"He who climbs a good tree could be given a push" says chinua Achebe.  
 The peace Donga Mantung Division enjoys is due to their indifference to divisive and vandalistic politics. Says Sama Gilbert. 
While condeming  the use of hurt speech on any Donga Mantung elite serving in Bamenda by who ever,he exhorted victims to report such cases to northwest administration for serious serious sanctions to be metted on those pepertrators of subversive language and division.
"If some of you ran away from your responsibility by not edifying your children on the importance of peace and unity , don't blame Donga Mantung people for standing for a peaceful and united Cameroon.They foresaw the social , economic and political repercussions  of  arm conflict. Reason why they stayed aloof. Why blame or evy them if  the state appreciates  their loyalty with appointments of their elite"  Sama Gilbert  reacted to the diatribe against Donga Mantung people. 
 Their decision to stand for peace and non violence doesn't mean their indifferent to the Anglophones political stalemate, it is rather a mark of political rationality  as use of arms against the state is  devastating to social cohesion and the economic development of any nation. He went on . 
     The political tranquility of the division has also  been attributed to the administrative magnanimity of the SDO,his collaborators, traditional authorities  and the elite of the Division.The vanguard gathered.

By chifu Edward

We follow the news as it happens and where it happens.

"Come and join us to build a new Cameroon" Gen Housseini Djibo

Gen. Housseini Djibo The commander of the 5th Gendarmerie regions for the West and northwest regions has appealed to the separatists...