Sunday, May 21, 2023

"Come and join us to build a new Cameroon" Gen Housseini Djibo

Gen. Housseini Djibo

The commander of the 5th Gendarmerie regions for the West and northwest regions has appealed to the separatists and those running away from region,seeking refuge in other towns and neighboring countries to come back for" us to build a new Cameroon".

General Housseini Djibo made the call shortly after festivities marking the 51st edition of the National Day May 20 with theme " Defence forces and Cameroonian people in harmony to safeguard peace and national unity, bedrock of a strong and prosperous Cameroon" at the Bamenda Grandstand.

He thanked God almighty for the gradual return of peace in the region. He said "Everybody is happy as you can see, we are happy. This signifies a gradual return to normalcy in the region,a mark of satisfaction of all Cameroonians.

The ceremony gave him the oppoz to once more make a Clarion for call on "those who are still in the bushes to come back and join us to build one Cameroon' for the satisfaction of every body. Harping on the closure of Matizm and Akum checkpoints partly responsibility for the conviviality between   the population and the military,  the General said they did just what they are supposed to do while promising to  continue to do the best they can to bring lasting peace to NorthwestRegion. "We have stared in Matazm and it will continue all over the region by the grace of God". He re-echoed.

 On expectation from the population to ensure success in his assigned task, he expressed need for corroboration and collaborations of  the pupolation, saying "we want them to inform us about the problems they have, we are there for them, they cannot do without us and we cannot do  without them. We will move hand in hand". He said. He also observed that for more than 6 years, Northwest has never witnessed the kind of turn out at national events like that of this year 2023 , an indication that things are changing positively.

Northwest Governor Lele L,Afriue  also expressed satisfaction with the massive turn out of the population, an indication of a gradual return to normalcy in the region.  He called for more collaboration between the security forces and the population, while exhorting those still resisting to give a second thought to their take, as there is no better option than living together as one people.The festivities was convivial in most parts of the region. The Vanguard has gathered.   

Friday, May 19, 2023

Security challenges: Lamido calls on parents to regulate activities of children

lamido Gen.Housseini Djibo talks to the press

The chief of Muslim community of Yaounde VII sub division Lamido Brigadier General Housseini Djibo, has exhausted parents to regulate children from juvenile and all forms illegal activities responsible for alarming in most parts of the nation.

Lamido Gen.Housseini Djibo leaving the prayer ground

He warned that responsible behavior should not be seen during fasting but through their lives as commuted Muslims.

The general of 5th Gendarmerie for Northwest and West Regions made the clerion call during the Muslim feast of the Ramadan .
He expressed satisfaction that peace is gradually returning to most problematic areas of the country, reasons why many thanks should be given to Allah.

Lamido Gen. Housseini Djibo at the prayer ground

Not withstanding,he warned that Peace and security is not the sole responsibility of the state but all and sundry.
His presence in Yaounde didn't not only allow for communion with his family, but other traditional authorities of the sub division his the Muslim community under his Administration.

D O of Yaounde VII sub Division
Throughout his stay in Yaounde, the lamidat was as busy as a bee hive with people coming to sort lasting solutions to most of worries ,ranging from security and transportation challenges etc.

Arrival of Lamido Gen.Housseini Djibo at the prayer ground on a horse

The Muslim feast saw the coronation of his ambassadorto France known in Muslim palance as "Jarkarda" meaning representative of the of the Lamido.

By Sanusi Amanda in Yaounde

We follow the news as it happens and where it happens.

"Come and join us to build a new Cameroon" Gen Housseini Djibo

Gen. Housseini Djibo The commander of the 5th Gendarmerie regions for the West and northwest regions has appealed to the separatists...