Monday, April 18, 2022

Ngoketunjia Yearns for creation of military Barrack

The creation of a military base in Ngokitunjia has become the ultimate solution to the sociopolitical holdup, holding back peace and development of the Division and its environs. A source has hinted the Vanguard that the number of Gendarmes and Police serving in the entire division is too small to outweigh the separatist fighters. Ngoketunjia Division which was last in the region to witness the heavy presence of the separatist fighters after Bui, Donga Mantung and Menchum has suddenly become the hub of the separatists fighters. Inversely, the Division is in limbo. A source has hinted The vanguard that there is an imminent outburst of the population to craved for the creation of a military base in the division as a matter of urgency. The natives feel neglected by the government, questioning why only Ngokitujia has been left out in the creation of military barracks in the region,as Bui, Menchum, Donga Mantung Division and Mezam all have theirs. The return to normalcy in those divisions our source disclosed, is not due to edification of the separatists on the need for peace, but due the heavy presence of the military in those areas. One Fubang Hanson, a native of Ndop, confirmed to The Vanguard that the population may soon take to the street to demand for the creation of military barrack in the Division. He said the mayhem has perturbed economic and agricultural activities of the division, notably the Upper Noun Valley Development Authority (UNVDA) renowned for the production of High Quality Rice amongst other life transforming projects in the Division.He says Mondays ghost town instituted by the separatists’ cannot be abated if a military base is not created in Ndop. He argued that, the notion of compelling the population to open their shops on Mondays against the embargo of the separatists,is suicidal as “when we disobey them (Amba boys) and they come attacking us, the uniform men are never there to protect us, so is very dangerous”.

While recommending a genuine dialogue to end the Anglophone crisis, he told The Vanguard that the blockage of Bamenda - Kumbo corridor by the separatists from Mondays to Fridays was triggered by the Administrative decision compelling the population of the division to opened on Mondays or shutdown indefinitely, if they continue to obey the Monday ghost town. The order he said is rather unproductive. He pleaded with the authorities that be to reverse the decision to ease life in that division. He observed that life was gradually returning to normalcy in the division until this decision came up. The stretch of road linking Bamenda and Bui only opens on weekends ever since the administrations introduced the unproductive decision. Life is unbearable for the population of Ngoketunjia. Fumbang Hanson explained. The delay in the reverse of the decision and creation of military base in Ngokitunjia and also address of the Anglophone problem may further result to more unpredictable social and economic effect on the life of the Division and the Region as a whole. He said. He also envisages serious food crisis in the region and a hike in the prices of basic commodities in the in the months ahead due to the holdup.While urging both the worrying factions and the Cameroon government to reconsider her stance on the Anglophone brouhaha, he warned that violence has never and will never be a panacea to any problem.Fumbang exhorted both the administration and the separatists to give a human face to their activities, while regretting that the future of their children is in jeopardy following due to ongoing crisis. “In a war, there is no victor and no vanquish. We are all losers” He said He explained that some Anglophones have taken advantage of the mayhem to settle scores with their enemies. “It surfaces for someone to tag you an
Amba and report to the forces of law and order for action, or be labeled a black leg to the Amba for kidnap and torture. He pleaded that a thorough investigation should always be carried out before sanctions are meted on culprits. Innocent people have being victimized severally in this issue. He warned.He challenged the government to think of the best option to end the political saga for the good of the entire nation.

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