Monday, May 16, 2022

Crusade for release of Senator Dr. Regina Mundi

A loud cry for the release of our great philanthropist Senator. Dr. Regina Mundi who was kidnapped on Saturday 30th of April 2022.

On a personal note, I've known Ma Regina Mundi for over 30 years. She is indeed a mother who is filled with love and a very peaceful mother.

Our organization on like many other institutions have experienced lots and lots of love, care and passion to serve humanity especially the destitute.

She is fond of helping poor couples on their wedding day by buying wedding gowns and surrendering her vehicle to personally transport the couples to the ceremonial ground.

Many youths I believe can testify that this woman has been very helpful to them in securing quality education by paying their fees irrespective of their villages, political backgrounds and regions. Many families who really can not afford these things see and depend on her for a better future. Countless times, she has visited hospitals and pay hospitals bills to so many underprivileged sick persons.

I must admit that if all the people that Ma Mundi has helped in securing employments both in and out of the country were to stand speak out for her release, her abductors would immediately release her and ask her to continue doing the kind works that she is already doing but it's rather unfortunate that we most of us only know people when we are in need of their services and not the other way round.

Ma Mundi has not limited her kind works only to the youths but has spread her tentacles to the women also. The Banja Street women are a living testimony to this her kind gestures as she has brought most of these women together to form a cooperative so that they can empower themselves. With her help, this cooperative has won grants worth thousands of dollars.

On a personal note, I have seen her passion to cater for the poor and needy populations. With her assistantance, many communities can now boast of having many developmental projects completed or ongoing.

Ma Mundi is indeed a humanitarian advocate. She is one out of the few administrators who prefer to stay with her people so she can better understand the needs and cry of her population. Ma Mundi is one of the few politicians who speaks little and listens more.

Ma Mundi is a God fearing, caring, peaceful and a loving mother. Many communities and the future of many other persons have been captured.
We are pleading with her abductors to kindly free the future of these communities and young needy population.

Considering the fact that this woman has been a widow for over three decades, she is a mother to many, a voice for the voiceless and a hope to the hopeless we are pleading for her abductors to kindly release Ma Senator R. Mundi.

Ajah Theophilus Asanji
President of United Humanitarian Foundation

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