Wednesday, May 11, 2022

NTACCUL highest award winning Credit Union in Cameroon


             Douala Bonaberi branch

It is not by chance or design that Ntarikun Cooperative Credit Union with head quarters in Bamenda is the highest Award Winning Cooperative Credit Union and the most celebrated cooperative credit Union in Cameroon in this 21 century.Statistically, the cooperative credit union receives not less than three awards annually. The awards are either on best management, modernity, Business friendly reforms, reduction on interests on loans or increase in interest on savings etc.Some of these reforms have suddenly blossom the credit union to an imaginary sublime A probe into their managerial systems indicates that the credit union is very business friendly and has a human face.  Apart from the drop in loan interest, the credit union is said to have increased interest on savings. Following the Anglophone crisis that has ruined many business operators, the credit union is said to have either completely waved their interest on some loans or reduced it to enable delinquent members remain afloat.

Amour Mezam- Bamenda ( new)

Ayafor Beltha a  member of the credit union told The Vanguard Wednesday May 11 that the decision of the management to drop interest on loans and increase interest on savings  has impacted the lives of some  of them members who were hitherto at the brink of collapse  in business.   

 She cited Njange financing as one of the policies which has enabled many members to spring back into business in spite the political and economic meltdown. “The Njange financing she says, is a policy where every member of a Njange benefit on the day and gradually pay back ….. in short this  credit union is doing much to alleviate poverty amongst members .  I thank the board for that initiative. She expressed satisfaction.The credit union runs the following products:WORLD REMIT MONEY TRANSFER; RIA MONEY TRANSFER; WESTERN UNION;  MTN/ORANGE MOMO;  FREE INTER-BRANCH TRANSFER; OUT REACH SERVICES;   CUSTOM CLEARANCE ;ATM/VISA CARD SERVICES;  MICRO CREDIT SCHEME;  CONTRACT FINANCING;  NJANGE  FINANCING ;   OVERDRAFT FACILITIES; SCHOOL FEES LOAN;  PAYMENT OF  CIVIL SERVANTS  SALARY; PAYMENT OF ELECTRICITY BILLS;  PAYMENT PRIVATE WORKERS SALARY; DEPOSIT AND SAVING ACCOUNTS ; SHARE ACCOUNTS; LONG TERM MORTGAGE LOAN;   MINOR ACCOUNTS; SHARES ACCOUNTS; BANK STATEMENT ETC. Branches; Yaoundé, Melen , Ekounou and Longkak;  Douala : Bonaberi ; Akwa  -Douche; Cite des palmiersSouthwest: Buea, KumbaNorthwest: Ntarikon – Head Office;Food Market; Amour Mezam Nkwen ( new)       

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