Thursday, May 19, 2022

The role of MPs in accelerating Cameroon's anti-corruption drive (part 1)

Corruption is a cankerworm that has eaten deep into the  fabric of the Cameroonian society. It is gradually becoming a normal way of life that people cannot do without. It is pathetic to mention that corruption is a fast growing contributor of social tention in our beloved Country. What do you expect from qualified people whose chances are given to others because of their tribal orgin or because they know somebody in a high place in Government.  What do you expect from people who do not have but are forced to bribe before they get a public service rendered to them.

What do you expect from people who are forcefully evicted from their lands because a certain 'big man' has paid off local authorities. In the face of these unfortunate situations and more, the people's representatives have a lot to do to remedy the precarious situation that Cameroonians are facing on a daily basis. MPs have to summon  Ministers and Director Generals of state cooperations to Parliament to answer questions once a corruption charge is levied against them.

MPs have to make sure that they play an advisory  or supervisory role whenever the state is conducting recruitments and public entrance examinations. MPs have to make use of Parliamentary fact finding missions which will no doubt offer them the exact situation on the ground. Lawmakers can also pay regular visits to Ministries to live the daily realities of Cameroonians. They have to also push hard for CONAC to be given the full powers to identify and punish embezzlers of state funds.

By Ndage Etienne 

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