Monday, June 27, 2022

Ntumbow violates NW Gov's order in Mbawrong

Newly constructed house in violation of government order

It is foolhardy for a community to go against the instruction of the administration.Ntumbow people are reported to have continually carry out construction works and illegal harvesting of crops belonging to Njirong villagers in the disputed Mbawrong land, against the instructions of the northwest governor.

Mosque constructed after the visit of NW Inspector General in violation of his instructions.

A new foundation on going

The Inspector General of the Northwest Regional Governor's office , representing the governor in an official visit to the Mbawrong on the 31 May 2022, suspended all construction works and illegal exploitation of crops in the disputed area until a final decision as to who owns the land is arrived at. He warned  against further attacks and obstruction of Mbawrong people from    going to church, farms , markets etc. "there should be no construction of houses, no distribution of land to people for farming or construction". He said. 

Another new foundation . Errection of walls soon to start.

You will face the heavy arm of the law if you go against the administrative orders.’ He warned.
The injunction order came shortly after visiting and    accessing the houses and farm lands destroyed by Ntuwmbow villagers.  About  two hundred houses have been reduced to durst, rendering hundreds of people homeless. 

Moulding of block cement to start another construction

Victims have fled to Bankim Sub Division in Adamawa and   Maghba sub division in the West region, Those without relatives out of the village are compelled to squeeze in tinny rooms with friends and relatives. 
Appalled by the barbarism and the havoc wrecked on Njirong villagers, the SDO for Donga 

Inspector General in white trouser  Mbawrong flanked by SDO the fon of Njirong ,the subchief of mbawrong bare body

Mantung Division, Nkwenti Simon Ndoh said “it is Satanic to kill your own brother , destroy crops and burn down house, no matter the degree of problem you have with him”. He lamented that Santan has invaded the land and dehumanizing his people. On this note, he warned that anybody who dare attack anyone or go against the 

administrative decision, will face the wrath of the law. “ 

Subchief Fai Kuh of Mbawrong

 On the ground ,was the fon of   Ntuwmbow  who promised to abide by the law, explaining that  “ we come  here  to farm in peace  and feed our families and not to look for problems with Njirong and  any of my subjects who goes against the law ,   will be doing so at his or her  expense, as I will not stand by him or her”, He warned.  On his part, the fon, of Njirong craved for justice to enable his people regain their farms ,carry out their economic and social  activities  unperturbed by  the aggressive Ntumbow .

Inspector General visiting destroyed homes

 Surprisingly, nothing has changed on the ground as Ntuwbow people are still building houses and harvesting crops belonging to the Njirong. The worst of it is harvesting of palm nodes from the Palm plantation of the Fon of Njirong.   Ntumbow people are said to have  constructed a Mosque and two other houses while the foundation of yet another house on going with sun dry and blocks cement stolen  from destroyed houses belonging to Njirong villagers. 

"They are removing our  blocks, planks  and roofing sheets from our abandoned houses  to build their makeshift  houses".  One Alfred Mbanji lamented. The Sub chief of  Fai Kuh  has also confirmed that  Ntumbow people have continued with their illegal construction   and farming against the instructions of the  Inspector General of the Northwest Governor’s office.

 The population of Mbawrong is perplex and questioning if Ntuwmbow has become invisible and above the state of Cameroon. The inversion of Njirong by Ntumbow has been likened to Russian babric inversion of Ukraine.  The population is reportedly  waiting for the reaction of the administration, following the flagrant disrespect of the governor of the region.

 By Amadou Sanda in  Maghba 

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