Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Fru Ndi Lambasted for calling for extradition of Anglophones seeking Refuge in America

Fru Ndi at the summit of SDF

A Cameroonian whoes lone name we got as Joe on social media has Lambasted The Chair man of the Social Democratic Front (SDF) for exposing his intellectual limitations in his call extradition of Cameroonian  allegedly sponsoring " Ambazonians" from America. The author holds that Fru Ndi is not fit for the post of President of Cameroon. Fru made the declaration on Cameroon National Television program known as "Press Hour" recently. He frowned at countries keeping the Ambazonian leaders. 
His stinker has revealed a number of odds of the party indicating that Fru Ndi's reasons for requesting for the extradition of Anglophones, is irrational and rediculous. He quoted Fru Ndi as saying "they insult me. Me Fru Ndi. They dare insult me."  He was apparently referring the seperatists who  kidnapped him. 
 He says this to whosoever gets close to him". The writer opined that President Paul Biya is two million time  better than Fru Ndi. He says,Paul Biya is the most insulted leader but he remains calm.  Joe aregues that "You don't take a policy position because people insult you. I think God knew why this man should not have been allowed to take power in 1992. He would have bombed villages and the population because they insult him". He says Fru Ndi's inflated ego is exaggerated and undeserved. Fru Ndi thinks he is a demi god. One can understand why vibrant militants were chased away because of his article 8.2, and today the party is languishing in limbo and virtually a subsection of the CPDM, begging for crumbs. He went on . 
He also quoting Fru Ndi as saying "They insult me. A whole me 
Fru Ndi". What a caricature posture   of an inflated ego. He cited  Kum, kahwala, Justice wakai, Muna, Prof kale and a number of refined who were allegedly chased  away because  of "this fellows  (Fru Ndi's) ego...If you are in the SDF and you dont lick the ass of Fru Ndi then consider yourself dismissed.

When the pilot (Fru Ndi) dropped

He holds that Fru Ndi " wants people to fear him,  worship him,  adore him,  bow down in front of him. He won't take criticism. worst of all, he exploits the resources of his Mayors  and MPs". Joe in his diatribe, added that "there is a reason why the CPDM took over most of the SDF councils and the Parliantery seats even before  the crisis. This man will demand all monies for development be handed to him and the mayors virtually could not deliver...even MPs must give him a good chunk of Micro Project monies and see their salaries slashed to satisfy his greedy and insatiable appetite for wealth" He said.

Courtesy: The Gazette 

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