Muslim faithfuls of Jakiri Sub Division have lauded Hon. Verla Nee lukong Fostine for extending a hand of fellowship to them, during the Ramadam period characterized by fasting and prayers for breakthrough in their quest for good health, social peace, economic endeavors. Only someone who cares and knows the worth of communing with his fellow brothers, sisters and children during this period, knows the worth of Islam and social cohesion with faithfuls. “Only a life lived for others, is a life worth living” Says Martin Luther Jr. Many of her colleagues, who have chosen Yaounde as their comfort zone, running away from the turbulence of the Anglophone crisis, think very little about the welfare of their electorate. Some of them, new comers into the glasshouse have been quoted as saying- that they will end their lives in Yaounde even if it means doing only one parliamentary mandate. This explains why some of them do not look back to redeem their electorates for voting them into the glasshouse.Hon. Verla’s timely gift of cartons of sugar to Muslim faithfuls of Jakiri last week epitomizes her as a rare female politician within the Muslin milieu. It should be recalled that on the 8th of March this year, the Member of Parliament donated hundreds of bags of improved maize seeds to the women of Jakiri to boast their farm yields. The pest resistance seeds will apparently step up the output of local farmers this year. Her special donation to the Muslims this time around, gives more impetus to female politicians in an area dominated by Muslims, noted for male chauvinism. The beneficiaries hailed the MP for her generosity while praying (God) Allah to give her and her family good health and to also bountifully replenish the source of her material assistance to them.
According to the Muslims, “the true measure of a friend is not where he stands in times of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in moments of great challenges and controversies”. It is on this note that Hon Fostine is seen to be a friend in and in need and in deeds. The exercise was carried out in most Muslim communities of the Sub Division.Talking to The Vanguard about her benevolence and material assistance to her constituency, Hon. Verla affirmed that it is her duty, not only as the representative of the people, but as a mother to always think about the her children and her family. She explained that she has a special love for his people, women, children and the disabled, but her vision and poised to change Jakiri is perturbed by the current political stalemate and limited resources. However, as a believer, she said that “with God, everything is possible”, while expressing determination and hope that God will show her the way for a breakthrough in her dreams for a better, more prosperous and peaceful Jakiri. She seized the opportunity to urge the population to stay together, live in peace and harmony with one another and preach the gospel of peace and reconciliation .She prays God to soften the hearts of her children still holding guns in distress to embrace peace and forgiveness for serenity to return to their constituency, to enable them rebuild the Sub Division.
By Chifu Edward
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