Friday, May 13, 2022

Cameroon Separatist fighters partners convicted in America for Arm trafficking

      Barrister Nsahlai Emmanuel

The verdict was handed down on may 9 by a court in Maryland. USA. It convicted Wilson Nuyila aged 45,Eric Fru 40 years  old and Wilson Che Fonguh aged 39 for conspiracy , transporting weapons whose serial numbers were erased. They were charged since last August after investigation by the US Department of homeland security. The three men according to Stopblablacam legal mind,  were suspected of attempting   to export arms illegally to Nigeria and  “at least one another location in Africa” from November 2017 to December 2019. But for Emmanuel Nsalai – the Cameroon born American Lawyer behind the case against his own brothers from Cameroon, says there is no doubt that this separatists Activists were trying to get arms to secessionists Militial in Northwest and Southwest regions of Cameroon. “They will be sentenced to prison. The sentencing hearing can take weeks, as in the American System, the sentencing hearing is not immediate after the conviction: said Lawyer Emmanuel Nsahlai. Who was contacted by SBBC.Wilson Nuyila , Eric Fru Nji and  Wilson Che Fonguh are facing 5 to 20years in prison. Three other Cameroonians accused of arm trafficking awaiting trail are,  Alambi Walters Muma,Edith Ngang, Tamufoh Nchumuluh st Micheal. Some scenarios reportedly occurred in 2021 as three US based Anglophone Cameroonians have been charged with guns running and conspiracy following the seizure of a weapons cache  US authorities.The suspects, some who appear to support the Anglophone separatists movement in their country of origin, could be implicated in an effort to supply high – grade weapons and ammunition to fighters battling Cameroonian government forces. The U S bureau of Alcohol, ,Firearms and explosives  (ATF) seized military- grade weapons and military equipment from two shipping containers and two different homes between May and August 2019. According to affidavit from an ATF agent.131 others from two online gun retailers   were shipped to a home in Rosedale, Maryland in the US between March 2018 and  December  2019. The large number of Items were flagged by ATF, along with other information, leading to a search of the premises. 

Courtesy journalducameroun of May 13 2022.Source: 

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