Friday, May 13, 2022

Bamenda University and Tubah Council in a Senseless land Clash

Prof. Theresa Nkuo Akenji
VC Bamenda University

Tanning Martin
Mayor Tubah Council

Disputed area opposite Bambili
Market about a km from the University

Works on 14 market sheds around Bambili market in Tubah Sub Division - Mezam Division,has come to a hault.
Workers working tools were reportedly seized by uniform men following the stalemate that erupted between the Mayor,Tanjong Martin and Prof. Theresa Nkuo Akenji, VC of Bamenda University.
The brouhaha has been lampooned by pundits as the two are all state authorities who ought to be examplary to students and the population of the Sub Division.
The disputed piece of land is seemingly more of a public utility owing to it proximity to the main high way.
It is inversely, it the Delegation of uban Development to complain about the position of the sheds not the University.
Even if it is the University land,400 meters of the land used by the council for the development of the Sub Division should not be an issue. One Pa Augustine Tamofuh,The Vanguard accosted around the Bambili market Friday May 13 remarked.
He said the misunderstanding amongst the two state servants over that small piece of land far off from the University is not rational as both of them are serving but the public. It appears only about 200 meters of the supposed University land has been occupied,while the rest 200 is in the highway.
He questioned how the structure was going to affect the University given the distance from the University Campus, estimated at close to one km.
He told The Vanguard that the land occupied by the University today originally belonged to the Cameroon College of Arts Science and Technology (CCAST ) Bambili. But when ENS annex and university was finally created here , the land was cided to the University without well defined boundaries.
He opined that D O and SDO of Mezam should reunit the VC and Mayor and also invite the divisional land commission to map out the University land, to forestoll further land clashes with natives.
Pa Augustine regretted that such divisions amongst state servants breed serious security challenges detrimental to the development of the Sub Division.
He remarked that " When two brothers fight, the stranger reaps the harvest". He challenged the Mayor and the VC to sink their difference soonest before it degenerates. Anger is small madness that leads to inimagenery destruction. They should watchout. Let the devil not fragment them. He warned

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