Thursday, May 26, 2022

Breaking news: PM Chief Dr.Dion Ngute to be Replaced?

Chief Dr. Joseph Dion Ngute.who wants his Head ?

Chief Dr.Joseph Dion Ngute,Prime Minister of Cameroon may be placed in a few days  ahead, as cabinet reshufflement looms.
A dependable source has hinted MMI that the presidency is about to make some major changes in the system in an attempt to modernize and step up probity and ensure  assiduity against 2035.  Some of the Ministers or state men are said to be  too old and unproductive. To attain the 2035 vision, the father of the nation is poised to inject new and committed generation to move the nation forward.
The source who yearned for anonymity ,said Biya is likely to take the decision soonest.
    The source also intimated that the person programmed to replace Dion Ngute is still  a native of  Southwest Region, from Kupe Muanenguba,whoes name  the source  declined disclosing for strategic reasons.
Our source also confided that the declaration is “expected to happen within the next few days…”
    Pundits are  how ever worried why such a stalk gentleman could be replaced  so soon, and  at a time Cameroon needs a such a soft spoken and accommodative  man  to handle the Anglophones crisis. 
His move towards  bringing  lasting peace ever sinc he became Prime Minister  has been lauded by most Anglophones. He is not blunt in his utterances,he doesn't move with administratrive and imposing authority like some of his predicessors. He is  a very humble man, loved by many.
The rethoric  is why his replacement, and why replacing  with his own brother from Kupe Muanenguba? This can bring division amongst the elite of that division. Pundits have warned.
 Others have castigated  the information, saying it could still be hot air  blowing in the horizon that would end up in shambles,as has been the case over the years. 
"How many time have social media and news papers  etc. announce  imiment ministerial reshufflement and it ends up evaporating"? 

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