Thursday, May 26, 2022

How Ni Fru Ndi Came to limelight of Cameroon politics

      Ni John Fru Ndi :
    Architect of  Cameroon political                    metamorphosis

What was the motive behind the creation of the SDF?
Who were the main actors?

   The  Social Democratic Front SDF party was created because of the Anglophones marginalisation. 
The following people Abel mukong Ni John fru Ndi Rtd Justice  Nyo Wakai,Prof Carlson Anyangwe, Prof. Siga Assanga, Prof. Ngwasiri Clement,  Dr Akuju, Mr. Teboh.Mr Mbanga and some few names. There were about eleven of them.
When this group of people observed  that Anglophones were  being marginalised, they sat and decided to visit the British  Ambassador in Cameroon by then.They both went to the embassy and  met with the British Ambassador. After a very  long debate,they told the ambassador the suffering and marginalisation of the Anglophones in Cameroon.

The Ambassador advised that there is nothing  the British goverment can do, and that Cameroon is a sovereign state adding that,the only thing he can advised them to do is to creat a  political party to defend the interest of the Anglophones.

When they came back from the British embassy, Prof.Carlson Anyangwe and Rtd Justice Nyo Wakai were urged to read through the Cameroon Constitution  and see whether it is possible for them  to creat a political party.
  Everybody was happy with theirs findings.
Since the idea was to creat a political party, the question was,who was going to take the  led?.
  Albert Mukong the author of."Criminal without crime" opted to be the chairperson of the party to be created.The next post was that of the Secretary General of the party.
  They looked around, nobody was ready  to opt for that position. Ni John Fru Ndi decided to take the function.
 The following university lecturers, Carlson Anyangwe,Ngwasiri Clement, Siga Assanga etc,were afraid  because they were civil servants.
Now came the way forward

Fru Ndi,the great hunter " Bush man  and soothsayer" as was  funnily called by his mates.

Albert Mukong who was very notorious even in the days of president Adhijo, told his peers that since they are now creating a political party,its was necessary to involved francophones.
   When Albert mukong said this ,prof Carlson Anyangwe  was not comfortable.
He warned Albert Mukong and said for now,francophones should not be involved because they can easily betrayed the course as he  had worked with the Francophones and know them so well,but as stubborn as Albert Mukong was, he never adhered to Prof. Anyangwe's advise.

While in Douala he Albert Mukong told Yondo Black the plan the Anglophones have  arrived at to create a new  political party.
     Maitre Yondo Black was very interested, took the documents from Albert Mukong and gave them to his next neighbour's secretary  to type them some copies.
   When she did, the man came collected the documents,went straight to the police and reported Yondo Black and co.

This is how on the 26th of May that SDF was supposed to be launched,Albert Mukong was absent as he was arrested and lucked up.
   Why  Ni John Fru Ndi   who was  hitherto  Secretary General of the party , opted to take  the lead of the party.

Now the other founding fathers were confused,the chairperson is in detention in Douala what next?
   Now the other  militants were all civil servants, looking around nobody seemef  to take over the function of the Secretary General post.  Prof. Siga Assanga a cousin to the chairman  Fru Ndi said he can not leave his brother alone and took over the post of secretary General.

Fru Ndi  as airport chief Traffic Officer in Ibadan Nigeria

A well articulated historical write up,  ln  " prison without crime " Albert Mukong came around before the lunching of the SDF but accused Fru Ndi and co of diviating from original motive which was standing against Anglophone marginalization. 
 This explains why Albert Mukong and Co created the SCNC.
The party was finally launched on the 26 of May and six people died in a confrontation with the military.
 How it happened,
How Fru Ndi succeeded in launching the party amidst security challenges in our next edition.

Courtesy: Mbum political platform

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