Sunday, May 15, 2022

Fiscal stamp cost FCA 6000 in Yoko - Center Region?

Administrative Bloc of a school

Yoko is a Sub Division of Mbam et Kim Division  in the Center Region.
The sub division is said to be larger than the West Region, but apparently enclaved. 
It is 198kms from the Divisional Headquarter -NTUI. The road is still under construction since last year. Yoko is  about 200Kms from Tibati, the next nearest town to Adamawa Region.

Although the nation is in serious economic quagmire, ranging from unemployment,appalled road network, Health and Social infrastructural crisis,the problems faced by the population of the subdivision   is pitiful. They go for months without fiscal stamps. Basic necessities are scares and expensive.   The Sub Division  have not had enough paper Fiscal stamps since 2020.  

 The population either  go  to NTUI a distance of 198 km or to Tibati , covering a distance of about 200 km just to buy  a fiscal stamp to put on a document.  
The stamp now cost 6.000frs since the road to Ntui is still passable. It goes up  base on the state of  road.   Fiscal stamp is  sold everywhere in the country for 1000frs but the case of Yoko is different. In Tibati,is 3.000frs since the road is tarred".  Our source narrated.

Poor state of road

Another problem our be source intimated, concerns  government workers in the sub division. 
 Given that there are no financial institutions except  Express Union,Workers  have to go to Yaounde every month end for their salaries.  " If you are transferred to Yoko, atleast FCA  20.000 of your salary, will go for  transport fare every month.  From Yoko to NTUI is 6000frs, Ntui to Yaounde 1.000frs To and from Yaounde gives a total of CFA14.000, if you are not obstructed by bad road.  Taxi fare in YaoundĂ© , feeding and lodging etc puts the expenditure at more than 30.000frs, if can not come back on the same  day".
He narrated. 
Yoko he went on, is blessed with timber which is exported to Douala in large quantities, but the state of road  is apparentling. 

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