Sunday, May 15, 2022

Is the CPDM a Satanic Cult?

    Senator Madam Regina Mundi
The abduction of Senator Regina Mundi and the Fon of Bambalang, who doubles as the president of the North West house of chiefs, has exposed the smelling under belly of the ruling CPDM party. Within the party and government, it's business as usual. The Fon was taken in December 2021, and madam Mundi on 30 April 2022. The Amba boy No pity keeping the Fon has called CPDM stalwarts to tell them what he wants to release the president of the house of chiefs. I have also contacted some people to discuss the faith of the Fon. Their attitude shocked me. 

       Fon Yakum Kevin Tenvih 
President of NW House of chiefs

Members of government from the North West, who at best ignore my entreaties or at worse, condemned the Fon for having vaulting ambition, that he was agitating to become a minister and projected himself as the best person to handle the crisis in the region. One minister is on record for saying, it serves him right, let him even die. Pathetic! Vicious! The case of Senator Regina Mundi, an old lady in her seventies, who has sacrificed everything for the CPDM party and tortured, is criminal. The government is mute, the Senate where she belongs is comatose. What about her North West brethrens? Philemon Yang, the leader of the party in the region told party members who accosted him on what to do about Madam Mundi, that the situation will take care of itself. He was nonchalant. For those who don't know, Senator Regina Mundi is the only member of the political bureau from the North West. A die-hard militant, she suffered greatly in the nineties because of her militancy when Yang was enjoying himself in Canada. In the twilight of her career, she is in trouble and fair weather militants are judging her, asking why did she go to Bamenda? Some are murmuring that she should be killed so that the government can use it to discredit the Amba boys to the world. Killing an old defenceless grandma will be the lowest point of the Captors and demons in the ruling party see it as the key to get full cooperation from the foreign governments reluctant to repatriate Amba leaders. This is cruel. Madam Mundi deserves better. To those holding our mother and grandmother, don't be stupid and fall in a trap. You call the struggle "God-ordained" ; don't baptize it "Santanic stuggle" by killing your grandma. Let her go and shame all those evil men in high places benefitting from your stuggle, who want her blood. The same people agitating that the Fon of Bambalang should be replaced as the president of the house of chiefs. All the demons in the system are only interested in position and money.  To all those who can influence the Captors, prevail on them to let madam Mundi go. Am championing a campaign for her life to be spared. 

kebila Fokum

I come in peace

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