Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Ntumbow and Njirong land saga resurfaces: Njirong population storm NW Gov. Office

Developing story

The disgruntled population of Njirong of Ndu Sub Division -DongaMantung Division have finally taken the land saga with Ntumbow to NW Gov for a lasting a solution.
It is not clear why Donga Mantung Administration have not been able to trash the matter at their level.
The only hope now seem to be the NW governor Lele L'Afrique known to be a man of probity. The angry mob have expressed obtimism.

By Chifu Edward

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Thursday, April 21, 2022

FECAFOOT: SG Didier Banlock suspended for corruption?

The Secretary General of FECAFOOT   Benjamin Banlock,accused of financial appropriation has been suspended by the President Samuel Eto’o who is poised to bring sanity in the institution plagued by numerous  financial  mismanagement for decades at the expense of  Cameroon footballers.   He is also suspected carried out several obnoxious public contracts.The information has not been made Public yet, but sources say Benjamin Didier Banlock’s position as SG is on the line. The president of FECAFOOT is said to forbidden Benjamin Banlock  from  releasing  money from the accounts of FECAFOOT . He is accused of financial mismanagement and suspicion and shady deals in public contracts.  The management of FECAFOOT accounts is said to have been transferred to Loe Jean luc Pirre Camille his chief of staff.Bejamin  Banlock was appointed Secretary General by  of FECAFOOT by Dieudonne Happi the then president of the normalization committee during the Seido Mbombo Njaya’s era .  

 The Cameroon football legend Samuel Eto’o has earlier on rejected the salary accorded him by the president of Cameroon Foot ball association. The two time AFCON winner has craved for an increase in the remuneration package of footballers in both the men and women’s’ leagues. He is said to have warned club presidents to pay salaries of local footballers promptly, else he will pay them and deduct from clubs accounts in case of any delay. He also advocated for high wages for players in both men’s and Women league to ensure that players earn the right amount of money they deserve.

By Chifu Edward

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We follow the news as it happens and where it happens  

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Pro. Nyamnding Messabgs Fired from CPDM

 Prof. Messanga Nyamnding Charlemagne 

The Popular Action Party (PAP) woke up this morning to learn through the public space (Social Media) that Prof. Messanga Nyamding has been evicted from the Cameroon’s People Democratic Movement (CPDM) political party.

The PAP thus seizes this opportunity, not just to send words of encouragement to Prof. Messanga but also to recall that the CPDM has once again in the face of the world proven their determination to completely bury democracy and freedom of expression in this country.

The Professor, a “biyayist” as he has always vaunted himself for decades now is therefore the black sheep of the house, a victim of a Political cabal that is allergic to truth and will thus not tolerate any form of disagreement even within its own ranks.

Today’s victim can in some circumstances be projected as a “normal” person who has been trying to act within an “abnormal” political organisation where veracity remains a taboo.

It is in this light, that the PAP stands with the most certainly disavowed Professor, calling on him to remain verdict in his stance for not short of the truth can and shall set this nation free. We say sir, you have chosen the path of history and for sure, the nation shall remember and reward you on your steadfastness..

However said, the Popular Action Party continues to call on all Cameroonians of all works of life and the youth in particular, to bear witness of the calamitous abyss into which this regime continues to drown the nation and that we all have it as a patriotic calling and duty, to Stand Up for Cameroon, so that together we can change the political narrative of our collapsing nation.

Courtesy:National President
          Njang Denis Tabe

Fru Ndi Lambasted for calling for extradition of Anglophones seeking Refuge in America

Fru Ndi at the summit of SDF

A Cameroonian whoes lone name we got as Joe on social media has Lambasted The Chair man of the Social Democratic Front (SDF) for exposing his intellectual limitations in his call extradition of Cameroonian  allegedly sponsoring " Ambazonians" from America. The author holds that Fru Ndi is not fit for the post of President of Cameroon. Fru made the declaration on Cameroon National Television program known as "Press Hour" recently. He frowned at countries keeping the Ambazonian leaders. 
His stinker has revealed a number of odds of the party indicating that Fru Ndi's reasons for requesting for the extradition of Anglophones, is irrational and rediculous. He quoted Fru Ndi as saying "they insult me. Me Fru Ndi. They dare insult me."  He was apparently referring the seperatists who  kidnapped him. 
 He says this to whosoever gets close to him". The writer opined that President Paul Biya is two million time  better than Fru Ndi. He says,Paul Biya is the most insulted leader but he remains calm.  Joe aregues that "You don't take a policy position because people insult you. I think God knew why this man should not have been allowed to take power in 1992. He would have bombed villages and the population because they insult him". He says Fru Ndi's inflated ego is exaggerated and undeserved. Fru Ndi thinks he is a demi god. One can understand why vibrant militants were chased away because of his article 8.2, and today the party is languishing in limbo and virtually a subsection of the CPDM, begging for crumbs. He went on . 
He also quoting Fru Ndi as saying "They insult me. A whole me 
Fru Ndi". What a caricature posture   of an inflated ego. He cited  Kum, kahwala, Justice wakai, Muna, Prof kale and a number of refined who were allegedly chased  away because  of "this fellows  (Fru Ndi's) ego...If you are in the SDF and you dont lick the ass of Fru Ndi then consider yourself dismissed.

When the pilot (Fru Ndi) dropped

He holds that Fru Ndi " wants people to fear him,  worship him,  adore him,  bow down in front of him. He won't take criticism. worst of all, he exploits the resources of his Mayors  and MPs". Joe in his diatribe, added that "there is a reason why the CPDM took over most of the SDF councils and the Parliantery seats even before  the crisis. This man will demand all monies for development be handed to him and the mayors virtually could not deliver...even MPs must give him a good chunk of Micro Project monies and see their salaries slashed to satisfy his greedy and insatiable appetite for wealth" He said.

Courtesy: The Gazette 

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Jakiri Muslim community laud Hon. Verla for Generosity

Muslim faithfuls of Jakiri Sub Division have lauded Hon. Verla Nee lukong Fostine for extending a hand of fellowship to them, during the Ramadam period characterized by fasting and prayers for breakthrough in their quest for good health, social peace, economic endeavors. Only someone who cares and knows the worth of communing with his fellow brothers, sisters  and children during this period, knows the worth of Islam and social cohesion with faithfuls. “Only a life lived for others, is a life worth living” Says Martin Luther Jr.       Many of her colleagues, who have chosen Yaounde as their comfort zone, running away from the turbulence of the Anglophone crisis, think very little about the welfare of their electorate.   Some of them, new comers into the glasshouse have been quoted as saying-  that they will end their lives in Yaounde even if it means doing only one  parliamentary mandate. This explains why some of them do not look back to redeem their electorates for voting them  into the glasshouse.Hon. Verla’s timely gift of cartons of sugar to Muslim faithfuls of Jakiri last week epitomizes her as a rare female politician within the Muslin milieu.   It should be recalled that on the 8th of March this year, the Member of Parliament donated hundreds of bags of improved maize seeds to the women of Jakiri to boast their farm yields. The pest resistance seeds will apparently step up the output of local farmers this year.      Her special donation to the Muslims this time around, gives more impetus to female politicians in an area dominated by Muslims, noted for male chauvinism. The beneficiaries hailed the MP for her generosity while praying (God) Allah to give her and her family good health and to also bountifully replenish the source of her material assistance to them. 

According to the Muslims, “the true measure of a friend is not where he stands in times of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in moments of great challenges and controversies”. It is on this note that Hon Fostine is seen to be a friend in and in need and in deeds. The exercise was carried out in most Muslim communities of the Sub Division.Talking to The Vanguard about her benevolence and material assistance to  her constituency,  Hon. Verla affirmed that it is  her duty, not only as the representative of the people, but as a mother to always think about the her children and her  family.       She explained that she has a special love for his people, women, children and the disabled,  but her vision and poised to change Jakiri is perturbed by the current political stalemate and limited resources.   However, as a believer, she said that “with God, everything is possible”, while expressing determination and hope that God will show her the way for a breakthrough in her dreams for a better, more prosperous and peaceful Jakiri. She seized the opportunity to urge the population to stay together, live in peace and harmony with one another and preach the gospel of peace and reconciliation .She prays God to soften the hearts of her children still holding guns in distress to embrace peace and forgiveness for serenity to return to their constituency, to enable them rebuild the Sub Division.

By Chifu Edward       

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Monday, April 18, 2022

Ndian Division Braces up for Change of Destiny

The world is for those who get up early and the Time is free and priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it, you can’t keep it, but you can spend it, if you have lost it, you can never get it back. Successful people use their time wisely while mediocre people waste it away”. Bruce Lee the martial art, icon of blessed memory holds that  “a man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life. And if you truly love life, don’t waste time because time is what life is made of”.  It is on this premise that the decision by the elite of Ndian Division to chart new strategies to end the Anglophone crisis to restore peace and create employment opportunities for the youths, is said to be a well thought-out initiative and timely enough giving excruciating effect of the crisis on the economy of the Division and the nation as a whole. The development and peace strategies will apparently be   a milestone that would change the social and economic   life    of the Division endowed with enormous natural  resources. The call for a strategic conference, sounds in  the minds of the people like  the beacon light of hope that would restore  smiles on the faces of the population demoralized  and gripped   by   Anglophone political brouhaha since 2016. The confab shall bring together elite, economic actors and refined brains of the Division under the patronage of their astute and committed leader, Chief Dr. Joseph Dion Ngute, Prime Minister of the Republic of Cameroon.   The main objective of the conference is   to fine-tune strategies to revamp the economy of the area, create more employment opportunities for the youths to stop rural exodus and other social crimes that come with joblessness.     The conference shall amongst other things focus on the solution to Anglophones crisis to abate its expansion and it annihilation for life to return to normalcy in the division.  The caliber of elite and issues to be discussed gives a lot enthusiasm to the youths back home and  the impression that Ndian Division will never be same again, after the land mark conference organized under the auspices of their  son  Prime minister Chief Dr Joseph Dion Ngute. The conference sounds in the ears of the people like the beacon light of a joyous daybreak that brings hopes of a better tomorrow.  Ndian Division was created in 1965 and has nine sub divisions. The division is endowed with numerous mineral resources it should be note.  The fertility of the soil and the overall ecology favours palm plantation amongst all sort of tropical crops. Pamol plantation is located in Ndian . Fishing is another very lucrative activity of the area.   The Division is the life wire of Southwest region. Ekondo Titi that use to be a business hub of the division has witnessed a serious economic downturn over this year’s due the Anglophone crisis. The small holder palm plantation scheme that contributed to the economic boom of the area has been perturbed by the crisis making life difficult for the people.   It should be recalled that the tarring of the stretch of road linking Kumba and Ekondo  Titi has since the advent of the Anglophone crisis stopped.  This amongst other things account for the urgent need for  a new destiny for the division to improve on lots of the population.

By Chifu Edward

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Kumba City mayor tagged Amba supporter?

The Anglophone insurgence has taken a different twist as many have taken advantage of the situation to wreck havoc on their political detractors. One Kendem Peter the Vanguard accosted, has opined that subversive articles written against the City Mayor of Kumba Council ,Gregory Mewano on social media, could be political machinated by his political detractors. He questioned if there is anything wrong with mayor moving without the Bodyguard. This is apparently well calculated blackmail and clear proof evil intent against the mayor. He argued that moving around town without a bodyguard is not an issue as any refined brain can dine even with the devil. He said the Amba fighters are like vipers. If you don’t run your mouth, they will not go after you, if you are like a snail that doesn’t hurt anyone, they will not have problems with you”. There is saying that, “a man’s character is his fate”. He added.What therefore determine a man’s success in life is his character. Your utterances and public comportment either makes or mar your relationship with people. He said. The diatribe about Kumba City Mayor Gregory Mewano seems to erupting from his detractors due to his political invincibility . He argued that no Anglophone is indifferent to the Anglophone problem and the general socio-economic and political problems of Cameroon as whole. The only difference is the approach to the problem, reasons why we are where we today. Kendem Peter argued that the notion of giving people bad names in order to frustrate their political career is inhumane. “It surfaces for someone to tag you an Amba and report to the forces of law and order for action, or be labeled a black leg to the Amba for kidnap and torture. He pleaded that a thorough investigation should always be carried out before sanctions are meted on culprits. Innocent people have being victimized severally in this issue. He said. As parents, we give birth to children but some end up being completely different from us. It is  on this note  that he castigated the idea of  government soldiers punishing parents whose children have joined the Amba while also cautioning the Amba against  punishing parents whose children are in the Cameroon military. He said he is not a defense council for the mayor Mewano  but just was cautioning against any evil intent because of political differences.                         

Ngoketunjia Yearns for creation of military Barrack

The creation of a military base in Ngokitunjia has become the ultimate solution to the sociopolitical holdup, holding back peace and development of the Division and its environs. A source has hinted the Vanguard that the number of Gendarmes and Police serving in the entire division is too small to outweigh the separatist fighters. Ngoketunjia Division which was last in the region to witness the heavy presence of the separatist fighters after Bui, Donga Mantung and Menchum has suddenly become the hub of the separatists fighters. Inversely, the Division is in limbo. A source has hinted The vanguard that there is an imminent outburst of the population to craved for the creation of a military base in the division as a matter of urgency. The natives feel neglected by the government, questioning why only Ngokitujia has been left out in the creation of military barracks in the region,as Bui, Menchum, Donga Mantung Division and Mezam all have theirs. The return to normalcy in those divisions our source disclosed, is not due to edification of the separatists on the need for peace, but due the heavy presence of the military in those areas. One Fubang Hanson, a native of Ndop, confirmed to The Vanguard that the population may soon take to the street to demand for the creation of military barrack in the Division. He said the mayhem has perturbed economic and agricultural activities of the division, notably the Upper Noun Valley Development Authority (UNVDA) renowned for the production of High Quality Rice amongst other life transforming projects in the Division.He says Mondays ghost town instituted by the separatists’ cannot be abated if a military base is not created in Ndop. He argued that, the notion of compelling the population to open their shops on Mondays against the embargo of the separatists,is suicidal as “when we disobey them (Amba boys) and they come attacking us, the uniform men are never there to protect us, so is very dangerous”.

While recommending a genuine dialogue to end the Anglophone crisis, he told The Vanguard that the blockage of Bamenda - Kumbo corridor by the separatists from Mondays to Fridays was triggered by the Administrative decision compelling the population of the division to opened on Mondays or shutdown indefinitely, if they continue to obey the Monday ghost town. The order he said is rather unproductive. He pleaded with the authorities that be to reverse the decision to ease life in that division. He observed that life was gradually returning to normalcy in the division until this decision came up. The stretch of road linking Bamenda and Bui only opens on weekends ever since the administrations introduced the unproductive decision. Life is unbearable for the population of Ngoketunjia. Fumbang Hanson explained. The delay in the reverse of the decision and creation of military base in Ngokitunjia and also address of the Anglophone problem may further result to more unpredictable social and economic effect on the life of the Division and the Region as a whole. He said. He also envisages serious food crisis in the region and a hike in the prices of basic commodities in the in the months ahead due to the holdup.While urging both the worrying factions and the Cameroon government to reconsider her stance on the Anglophone brouhaha, he warned that violence has never and will never be a panacea to any problem.Fumbang exhorted both the administration and the separatists to give a human face to their activities, while regretting that the future of their children is in jeopardy following due to ongoing crisis. “In a war, there is no victor and no vanquish. We are all losers” He said He explained that some Anglophones have taken advantage of the mayhem to settle scores with their enemies. “It surfaces for someone to tag you an
Amba and report to the forces of law and order for action, or be labeled a black leg to the Amba for kidnap and torture. He pleaded that a thorough investigation should always be carried out before sanctions are meted on culprits. Innocent people have being victimized severally in this issue. He warned.He challenged the government to think of the best option to end the political saga for the good of the entire nation.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

CNPS is a Sinking Fund Group that doesn’t benefit us” Banboye Williams

Cameroon Social Insurance Fund (CNPS) has come under attack by majority of Northwest Mayors for blockage of their accounts due to nonpayment of workers dues estimate at thousand of millions. The delay in reopening the accounts may cause unpredictable effect on the life of the region. Pundits have warned.The draconian measures taken by the Regional Chief of CNPS according to the mayors, lack a human face as it has caused untold hardship on councils and the workers. The blockage has further compounded the financially difficulties of the councils stagnated by the Anglophones crisis for five years running.   Non collection of local revenue since the advent of the Anglophone crisis has adversely affected northwest and southwest councils for over five years running.  It should be recalled that most Northwest councils depend largely on the   quarterly   subventions ( council additional Taxes)  from FIECOM which has for been very epileptic for close to five years following the Anglophone stalemate.  Councils most often go for five to six months without the subvention.    This has caused untold hardship on Council workers. The rhetoric is, why should CNPS blocked accounts of councils that are barely surviving? It is unimaginable and merciless. Mayors have condemned the decision in the strongest of terms.Mayor  Banduye Williams  of Mbiame  Council in Bui Division in an exclusive with The vanguard Newspaper shortly after a meeting organized by the Regional bureau of the  Union of Cities and councils of Cameroon ( UCCC) to discuss issues affecting the union on Thursday April 14 , deplored the decision by CNPS Regional Chief, saying it is inhuman. He tagged    CNPS an   unnecessary sinking Fund Group with debatable objectives, as they hardly pay all retirees dues.He disclosed that his council inherited huge debts with CNPS which to him, are not justifiable anywhere. “They gave us some amounts as debts and asked us to sign a moratorium   with them. We agreed but did not know that by signing it, they were still going to send it the national director in Yaounde for approval. It was rather today that she (the Regional Chief of CNPS) told us that it was at the discretion of the National Director”.    He said there is an issue with the declaration, late payments and penalties levied on councils by CNPS.  “ it is terrible, requesting us to pay debts we did not incur at this period of Anglophone crisis  that has rendered most councils poor as we do  not collecting local revenue.  If your council owes FCFA 40 millions, they will ask you pay in between 15 and 16 millions. What some council usually receive as council additional taxes from FIECOM is not even up to that amount”.  He said.  He   quoted the Regional Chief as saying  that the penalties must be paid before their accounts are open, although he  requested   them to come to her office for one on one negotiation on apparent installment payments. Deploring the slow or nonpayment of most retirees dues, Banboye lambasted CNPS, saying it is “ a Sinking Fund Group as  we are not benefiting anything  substantial because even the workers that have worked and gone on retirement do not have their benefits at al or on time , they will turn around and you the worker  did not apply. How can they request retirees apply before they start paying their pension? What are they doing with the   documents in their achieve?.  He questioned. The Regional Chief of the CNPS refused to talk to the press shortly after the meeting.

By Chifu Edward

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 We follow the news as it happens and where it happens  

Friday, April 15, 2022

NW mayors at crossroads with CNPS over blockage of Accounts

NW mayors at crossroads with CNPS over blockage of Accounts.
Majority of the Northwest councils have condemned in very strong terms the blockage of their councils accounts by the Social Insurance Fund for alleged nonpayment of council workers dues.

The brouhaha got to crescendo  Thursday  April 14 during meeting  Union of Cities and councils of Cameroon UCCC summoned by the Northi regional president Ndang Denis ,Mayor of Funding to address issues affecting the councils of the Region.
Tempers flared when the Regional chief of CNPS was a little hard in her utterances about the situation.
Participants condemned the attitude of CNPS, saying some of the penalties were unfounded and unethical. 

By Chifu Edward

West Governor Dislodges Transporters

West Region Governor Dislodges Transporters from the heart of town The governor of the west Region Funka Augustine has dislodged transporters plying Bafoussam, Mbounda,Dchang and Bamenda from the heart of Bafoussam town to Bamungum junction. The decision is aimed at decongesting in a bid to improve on Security and Hygiene and Sanitation of the town.
The administrative ejection went into effect on Tuesday April 5 after months of prior notice and order for the transporters operating around “ Marche B” and Carrifour Ecole Nomale to quit.  Many who thought the Governor was going grants them  administrative tolerance were taken by storm on Tuesday March 5 as they got up in the morning just to discover that the entrances to the various  parks were all blocked by the forces of law and order,  compelling them   to move to the new site. The decision considered draconian by feeble minds is rather well thought-out and timely, as apart from decongesting the town, the new park will attract development and expansion of the town to  “Carrefour Bamungum”, and reduce urban disorder as well.  The expansion will play to the advantage of township taxis, bring about more economic activities, employment and a wide range of activities   around the area.Kapnga Martin an economic operator in a chat with The Vanguard opined that relocation of transporters  to Bamungum junction may attract   Big Transporters like Binam and General Express to open their agencies for  Yaounde and Douala, thus making making  movement of people and goods much more  easier. Kapnga hailed the governor of Funka Augustine for the decision and his administrative ingenuity. He remarked that the west Region has witnessed tremendous development projects ever since he became the chief executive officer of West Region. “The state of the urban roads and the general sanitation of the town have changed giving our town a new face”. He remarked.                                                                                                  By Chifu Edward   

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Salaries of ENS/ ENSET Graduates will no longer Delay-Joseph Lee


The minister of Public Service Joseph Lee has assured students of ENS and ENSET Bambili that their salaries will no longer delay upon their graduation.

 The delay in payment of new teachers’ salaries it should be noted, reduced most of them to beggars, surviving on the PTA funds. Some did not even have the opportunity to reap from the school PTA. The appalled working condition was not only dehumanizing but breed inertia at the expense of the learners. 

 Public Service Minister Joseph Lee,who goes down history as the very first Cameroon Minister who has effectively fragmented  his ministry, told Students of ENS and ENSET Bambili Friday April 1st  2022 that the plight of the teachers, builders of the nation has been given due attention by the Head of state president Paul Biya.   

Apart from payment of Research allowances, Rents and Electricity etc, for teachers, he announced that salaries of fresh teachers from ENS and ENSET Bambili will no longer delay upon graduation. The minister assured students in an official visit to Bambili that they will no longer go for more than three months to start earning their salaries.

  Joseph Lee said that graduating students will no longer travel to  Yaoundé to submit their integration document as he has given powers to all Regional Delegates of his  Ministry to process all public servants  documents at the regional level to avoid the stress of going  to Yaounde for the exercise.

  He  then exhorted the officials of the Northwest Regional Delegation of Public Service and Administrative Reforms to shun all forms of corrupt practices. He promised severe sanctions on   public servants who may introduce administrative red tapes to compel those in need of their services to motivate them.


He however expressed satisfaction that, the Northwest Regional Delegation is top in the implementation of decentralization reforms.

He hailed the Regional Delegate Ekane Ivo for his assiduity, while also encouraging the staff of the delegation to give a human face to their work to make the environment conducive for users. 


                                                                               By Chifu Edward






















"Come and join us to build a new Cameroon" Gen Housseini Djibo

Gen. Housseini Djibo The commander of the 5th Gendarmerie regions for the West and northwest regions has appealed to the separatists...